The Daily Show: NC Republican Official Don Yelton Reveals Bone Deep Republican Racism
Racism: The GOP's Daily Bread
Today, 10-27-2012, I did
six hours of field work for the Obama campaign in Orange County, North
In the rural northern
part of the county I knocked on one door looking for a 49 year old male and
spoke with his 75 year old Dad who told me "Nick" was on a Mexican
cruise with his mother.
I listened to the fellow
reminisce about growing up in Missouri.
"I use to be a
racist," he said. "But over the years, I saw there wasn't any real
difference between one human and another. I'll tell you something though... If
my Daddy were still alive, he'd be a racist to this very day. You suck on
that stuff long enough and it won't ever come out. What baffles me most,
though, is all these Republican Christians totally cocksure they're God's
chosen people 'til you hear 'em open the pie hole and, by God, they're more
racist than George Wallace."
In 2010, while manning
the Democratic Party "table" at my local polling place on Election
Day, my Republican counterpart at the next table made me realize what I'd been
overlooking for decades: Republicans stand on "anecdote" while
spurning statistical analysis of phenomenological fact.
How so?
If a Republican has a black friend - or if s/he knows a Republican with a black friend -
then that's plenty of proof the whole GOP is "free of racism."
On the other hand, if
you present the same Republican with libraries of peer-reviewed,
statistically-analyzed research -- research that demonstrates with 98%
confidence that global warming is a fact and 95% confidence that humans are
largely responsible -- they will dismiss those statistics with the same
cavalier contempt Cassius Clay reserved for his next opponent.
Since anecdotes are a
dime a dozen, Republicans can always find grounds for self-justification even
though Colin Powell's Chief of Staff speaks God's
“Let Me Just Be Candid: My Party Is Full Of Racists”
Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
Colin Powell's Chief Of Staff
As soon as I uploaded the above post, I came upon a "textbook illustration" of my underlying point: Jon
Stewart's recent interview with Hermann Cain. http://thehill.com/video/campaign/246649-herman-cain-polls-show-blacks-voting-for-obama-because-romney-supporters-were-working
"The Republican Party is Full of Racists"
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