
Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Floyd's Murder: What's At Stake, What We Stand To Lose

Image result for jon stewart "guarantee you"
Alan: Although the United States of Barbaria only exists behind a thin-and-dwindling veneer of civilization -- and although I suspect that a quarter (perhaps even a third) of Americans would take eager advantage of a Civil War as opportunity to endorse the killing of black people even more indiscriminately than we already do, it is also true that Martin Luther King Jr. and his religiously committed non-violent supporters were largely responsible for reforming the entire System so that hundreds of thousands of public officials like Keisha Bottoms and Barack Obama could - and can - contribute mightily to The Common Good and The General Welfare. 

At the other end of a Spectrum that reveals itself, every single day, to be more hideous than tens of millions of good people ever thought possible -- Trump's "letting the dogs out" (and make no mistake, the dogs were there all along, waiting to be let out) makes clear the real possibility that the nation could collapse into total chaos. 

Pax on both houses: The Donald Trump Sign In Front Of Cop Killer's ...

Something like a new Dark Age is no longer unthinkable. 

If anything like these suddenly real possibilities manifests, do not expect to see Keisha Bottoms or Barack Obama in any of the positions opened up by Martin Luther King and other people of conscience.

Video Interview With Atlanta's Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, An Impressive Woman

And when Keisha, Barack and Martin "go" - when, very easily, they might "disappear" from honored public space - do not make ANY assumptions about "where" Malignant Messiah's racism, fascism and Memory Hole might re-assign them.

Memory is porous. 

Memory is short.

Without all the real gains - many of them minutely incremental - gains made by all kinds of people, including my Dad who helped terminate the discriminatory banking practice called "redlining," the number of successful black people (outside the entertainment industry) would still be infinitesimal, even as it was at the beginning my own lifetime.

In "The Here And Now" White Privilege Is Often Invisible. But It Is Fully Visible In "Redlining"

My Dad's Experience

Image result for pax on both houses, heather mcghee

Reprise: Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racism
A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism

The Merger Of Stupidity And Racism Merge In This GIF Is Jawdropping - And Typical

Why White People Think They Are The Real Victims Of Racism

"Donald Trump’s Long History Of Racism, From The 1970s To 2019," Vox

Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Trump's Racism Is His Best Work Ever

Pope Francis Warns Against Nationalism, Says Recent Speeches Sound Like "Hitler In 1934"

George Floyd death: Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin charged with ...

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In

A Remarkable Piece Of Writing About Trump's "Alleged" Racism

Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Racism, White Supremacy And Voter Suppression

Der Spiegel Trump Cover: Was Trump's Father Arrested At A KKK Rally?

Facebook Dialogue With Christian Fundamentalist Friend About Trump's Affiliation With The Klan

"It's Time To Give Up On Mueller: Racism Is The Most Glaring Reason To Impeach Trump"

Even The Big Wigs At Fox News Know Trump's A Racist
(Chis Wallace Reads The Riot Act To Trump Advisor Stephen Miller)
Lindsey Graham's Stunningly Shameless Reversal On Donald Trump

Facebook Exchange With Xtian Fundie Friend Who Insists That The Democratic Party Is The Epicenter Of Racism In Today's America

 Same As It Ever Was | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"

Killer Cops And How To Transform Police Departments By Hiring Better Officers

"Fuck This Guy! I’m Going To Hit Him." 
Dash-cam video shows officers tried to run over man before shooting him 14 times
Alan: Let's "seed" urban police departments with peaceful people; people who are service-oriented; people who are psychologically predisposed to speak truth to power; people who won't hesitate to "blow whistles"; people chosen through new hiring criteria and new hiring processes, including much more sophisticated and extensive psychological testing, including polygraph examination.In the beginning, these new hiring criteria need not apply to all candidates.For example, municipal police departments could create the equivalent of "green beret forces," a new kind of hiring initiative that would deliberately invite and seek out candidates with the characteristics described above.Surely, many bad cops can be weeded out before they get hired.And many more can be weeded out by fellow cops willing to tell the truth about the violent, intimidating and frequently racist behaviors of bad cops.

I Just Tried To Post To Your Facebook Page And The Fascists Prevented Me

Dear Tom,
Facebook's fascism is even worse today than manifest by the torrent of "blocked posts" you and I experienced yesterday.
Meanwhile Trump and his sludge suckers walk.
And spew.
Facebook Blocked This Post Because "People Have Reported It As Abusive"
I hope someone picks up on my proposal for creating a new social media platform.

Facebook Blocked This Post Because "People Have Reported Me As Abusive"

Trump on G7: “We're Still Friends Tho lol” – Daily Stormer
The Borowitz Report - "Not The News" 

Angela Merkel Practices Social Distancing by Staying Four Thousand Miles Away from Trump

BERLIN (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to practice social distancing, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is staying four thousand miles away from Donald Trump, Merkel has confirmed.

Merkel’s decision to decline Trump’s invitation to a possible meeting of the G-7 in Washington was based “entirely on science,” Merkel told reporters.
“Epidemiologists have recommended that, in order to be safe, one should social-distance by six feet,” she said. “It only stands to reason that I will be even safer if I social-distance by twenty-one million feet.”

Merkel said that she was taking the extremely cautious social-distancing measures regarding Trump because of “the danger posed by being in proximity to someone who speaks so loudly and incessantly.”

“His mouth is like a firehose of droplets,” she said, shuddering.

Asked whether she would reconsider a White House visit if Trump agreed to wear a mask, she said, “Donald Trump with a mask is clearly a big improvement over Donald Trump without a mask, but no.”

The German leader added that she could envision making a trip to the Oval Office if “events on the ground change,” most likely in January of 2021.

 German Leader Angela Merkel Rejects Trump's Invitation To Attend G-7 Conference In Washington D.C. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan: If only the main stream press would boycott His Maleficence...

It would be fitting-and-just if the only coverage given to Jack Ass were by Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Stormer, QAnon and One America News Network, every one of these media outlets hell-bent on the destruction of America's already vestigial democracy.

Facebook blocked the above post even after I created a brand new post excluding the following two links which I assumed were the ones that got me reported as "abusive."

You be the judge...

QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies


How do escape Facebook's increasingly fascist claw?

A proposal...

 It's Time For A Progressive Facebook Alternative 
That Doesn't Tolerate Assholes | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Alan: If Bloomberg is serious about spending a billion dollars to elect Biden, he "should" launch a social media platform structurally similar to Facebook but called something like "Social Network For Progressives Pissed Off At Facebook."

Or maybe progressive billionaire Nick Hanauer would be interested in creating such a site as a profitable business.

Billionaire Nick Hanauer's TED Talk: "Capitalism's Dirty Little Secret"

Mark my words...

If someone creates such a site before possible "fascist lockdown" in the fall, that fellow will become both a billionaire and a National Hero.

For the sake of a great acronym, this new platform could be called "Social Network For Liberals" - SNL for short.

This new network would unabashedly state its intention to keep trolls and other meddlesome, mendacious and malicious assholes off the platform.

Internet Trolls And The End Of Civilization As We Know It

Inline image 1

Trump's Most Egregious, In-Your-Face Fascist Declaration: "We're Going To Have To Do Things..."

Pope Francis Warns Against Nationalism, Says Recent Speeches Sound Like "Hitler In 1934"

Adny Borowitz And Facebook Censorship

Trump on G7: “We're Still Friends Tho lol” – Daily Stormer
Angela Merkel Practices Social Distancing by Staying Four Thousand Miles Away from Trump

BERLIN (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to practice social distancing, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is staying four thousand miles away from Donald Trump, Merkel has confirmed.

Merkel’s decision to decline Trump’s invitation to a possible meeting of the G-7 in Washington was based “entirely on science,” Merkel told reporters.
“Epidemiologists have recommended that, in order to be safe, one should social-distance by six feet,” she said. “It only stands to reason that I will be even safer if I social-distance by twenty-one million feet.”

Merkel said that she was taking the extremely cautious social-distancing measures regarding Trump because of “the danger posed by being in proximity to someone who speaks so loudly and incessantly.”

“His mouth is like a firehose of droplets,” she said, shuddering.

Asked whether she would reconsider a White House visit if Trump agreed to wear a mask, she said, “Donald Trump with a mask is clearly a big improvement over Donald Trump without a mask, but no.”

The German leader added that she could envision making a trip to the Oval Office if “events on the ground change,” most likely in January of 2021.

 German Leader Angela Merkel Rejects Trump's Invitation To Attend G-7 Conference In Washington D.C. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Alan: Now, if only the main stream press would boycott him...

It would be sweet if the only coverage given to Jack Ass were coverage by Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Stormer, QAnon and One America News, all of them press outlets hell-bent on the destruction of America's already vestigial democracy.

Facebook Blocked These Posts Because "People Reported Me As Abusive"

Pax on both houses: The Pro-Trump "QAnon" Conspiracy Theory - Now ...
QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies
Pax on both houses: My Reply To A Facebook Correspondent's QAnon ...

Borowitz: Angela Merkel Practices Social Distancing by Staying 4000 Miles Away from Trump

Trump on G7: “We're Still Friends Tho lol” – Daily Stormer
Angela Merkel Practices Social Distancing by Staying Four Thousand Miles Away from Trump

BERLIN (The Borowitz Report)—In an effort to practice social distancing, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is staying four thousand miles away from Donald Trump, Merkel has confirmed.

Merkel’s decision to decline Trump’s invitation to a possible meeting of the G-7 in Washington was based “entirely on science,” Merkel told reporters.
“Epidemiologists have recommended that, in order to be safe, one should social-distance by six feet,” she said. “It only stands to reason that I will be even safer if I social-distance by twenty-one million feet.”

Merkel said that she was taking the extremely cautious social-distancing measures regarding Trump because of “the danger posed by being in proximity to someone who speaks so loudly and incessantly.”

“His mouth is like a firehose of droplets,” she said, shuddering.

Asked whether she would reconsider a White House visit if Trump agreed to wear a mask, she said, “Donald Trump with a mask is clearly a big improvement over Donald Trump without a mask, but no.”

The German leader added that she could envision making a trip to the Oval Office if “events on the ground change,” most likely in January of 2021.

 German Leader Angela Merkel Rejects Trump's Invitation To Attend G-7 Conference In Washington D.C. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Alan: Now, if only the main stream press would boycott him...
It would be sweet if the only coverage given to Jack Ass were coverage by Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Stormer, QAnon and One America News.

QAnon, The Trumpista "Deep State" Conspiracy Movement Glorifying America's Cultural Collapse

"Head Of DOJ Or QAnon?": "The "Deep State," Demonization And The "Evidence" Of Conspiracies

"La Venda," Un Cuento Maravilloso De Miguel De Unamuno

La venda

Miguel de Unamuno

Y vio de pronto nuestro hombre venir una mujer despavorida, como un pájaro herido, tropezando a cada paso, con los grandes ojos preñados de espanto que parecían mirar al vacío y con los brazos extendidos. Se detenía, miraba a todas partes aterrada, como un náufrago en medio del océano, daba unos pasos y se volvía, tornaba a andar, desorientada de seguro. Y llorando exclamaba:
-¡Mi padre, que se muere mi padre!
De pronto se detuvo junto al hombre, le miró de una manera misteriosa, como quien por primera vez mira, y sacando el pañuelo le preguntó:
-¿Lleva usted bastón?
-¿Pues no lo ve usted? -dijo el mostrándoselo.
-¡Ah! Es cierto.
-¿Es usted acaso ciega?
-No, no lo soy. Ahora, por desgracia. Deme el bastón.
Y diciendo esto empezó a vendarse los ojos con el pañuelo.
Cuando hubo acabado de vendarse repitió:
Deme el bastón, por Dios, el bastón, el lazarillo.
Y al decirlo le tocaba. El hombre la detuvo por un brazo.
-Pero ¿qué es lo que va usted a hacer, buena mujer? ¿Que le pasa?
-Déjeme, que se muere mi padre.
-Pero ¿dónde va usted así?
-Déjeme, déjeme, por Santa Lucía bendita, déjeme, me estorba la vista, no veo mi camino con ella.
-Debe de ser loca -dijo el hombre por lo bajo a otro a quien había detenido lo extraño de la escena.
Y ella, que lo oyó:
-No, no estoy loca; pero lo estaré si esto sigue; déjeme, que se muere.
-Es la ciega -dijo una mujer que llegaba.
-¿La ciega? -replicó el hombre del bastón-. Entonces, ¿para qué se venda los ojos?
-Para volver a serlo -exclamó ella.
Y tanteando con el bastón el suelo, las paredes de las casas, febril y ansiosa, parecía buscar en el mar de las tinieblas una tabla de que asirse, un resto cualquiera del barco en que había hasta entonces navegado.
De pronto dio una voz, una voz de alivio, y como una paloma que elevándose en los aires revolotea un momento buscando oriente y luego como una flecha, partió resuelta, tanteando con su bastón el suelo, la mujer vendada.
Quedáronse en la calle los espectadores de semejante escena, comentándola.
La pobre mujer había nacido ciega, y en las tinieblas nutrió de dulce alegría su espíritu y de amores su corazón. Y ciega creció.
Su tacto era, aun entre los ciegos, maravilloso, y era maravillosa la seguridad con que recorría la ciudad toda sin más lazarillo que su palo. Era frecuente que alguno que la conocía le dijese: «Dígame, María, ¿en qué calle estamos?» Y ella respondía sin equivocarse jamás.
Así, ciega, encontró quien de ella se prendase y para mujer la tomara, y se casó ciega, abrazando a su hombre con abrazos que eran una contemplación. Lo único que sentía era tener que separarse de su anciano padre; pero casi todos los días, bastón en mano, iba a tocarle y a oírle y acariciarle. Y si por acaso le acompañaba su marido, rehusaba su brazo diciéndole con dulzura: «No necesito tus ojos.»
Por entonces se presentó, rodeado de prestigiosa aureola, cierto doctor especialista, que después de reconocer a la ciega, a la que había visto en la calle, aseguró que le daría la vista. Se difirió la operación hasta que hubiese dado a luz y se hubiese repuesto del parto.
Y un día, más de terrible expectación que de júbilo para la pobre ciega, se obró el portento.
El doctor y sus compañeros tomaban notas de aquel caso curiosísimo, recogían con ansia datos para la ciencia psicológica asaeteándola (subjecting her) a preguntas. Ella no hacía más que palpar los objetos aturdida y llevárselos a los ojos y sufrir, sufrir una extraña opresión de espíritu, un torrente de punzadas, la lenta invasión de un nuevo mundo en sus tinieblas.
-¡Oh! ¿Eras tú? -exclamó al oír junto a sí la voz de su marido-. Y abrazándole y llorando, cerró los ojos para apoyar en la de él su mejilla.
Y cuando la llevaron al niño y lo tomó en brazos, creyeron que se volvía loca. Ni una voz ni un gesto; una palidez mortal tan solo. Frotó luego las tiernas carnecitas del niño contra sus cerrados ojos y quedó postrada, rendida, sin querer ver más.
-¿Cuándo podré ir a ver a mi padre? -preguntó.
-¡Oh! No, todavía no -dijo el doctor. No es prudente que usted salga hasta haberse familiarizado algo con el mundo visual.
Y al día siguiente, precisamente al día siguiente de la portentosa cura, cuando empezaba María a gozar de una nueva infancia y a bañarse en la verdura de un nuevo mundo, vino un mensajero torpe, torpísimo, y con los peores rodeos le dijo que su padre, baldado desde hacía algún tiempo, se estaba muriendo de un nuevo ataque.
El golpe fue espantoso. La luz le quemaba el alma y las tinieblas no le bastaban ya. Se puso como loca, se fue a su cuarto, cogió su crucifijo, cerró los ojos y palpándolo, rompió a llorar exclamando:
-Mi vista, mi vista por su vida. Para qué la quiero.
Y levantándose de pronto, se lanzó a la calle. Iba a ver a su padre, a verle por primera y por última vez acaso.
Entonces fue cuando la encontró el hombre del bastón, perdida en un mundo extraño, sin estrellas por que guiarse como en sus años de noche se había guiado, casi loca. Y entonces fue cuando, una vez vendados sus ojos, volvió a su mundo, a sus familiares tinieblas, y partió segura, como paloma que a su nido vuelve. A ver a su padre.
Cuando entró en el paterno hogar, se fue derecha, sin bastón, a través de corredores, hasta la estancia en que yacía su padre moribundo, y echándose a sus pies le rodeó el cuello con sus brazos, le palpó todo, le contempló con sus manos y sólo pudo articular entre sollozos desgarradores:
-¡Padre, padre, padre!
El pobre anciano, atontado, sin conocimiento casi, miraba con estupor aquella venda y trató de quitársela.
-No, no, no me la quites… no quiero verte; ¡padre, mi padre, el mío, el mío!
-Pero hija, hija mía -murmuraba el anciano.
-¿Estás loca? -le dijo su hermano-. Quítatela, María, no hagas comedias, que la cosa va seria…
-¿Comedias? ¿Qué sabéis de eso vosotros?
-Pero ¿es que no quieres ver a tu padre? Por primera, por última vez acaso…
-Porque quiero verlo… pero a mi padre… al mío…, al que nutrió de besos mis tinieblas, porque quiero verle, no me quito de los ojos la venda…
Y le contemplaba ansiosa con sus manos cubriéndole de besos.
-Pero hija, hija mía -repetía como una máquina el viejo.
-Sea usted razonable -insinuó el sacerdote separándola-, sea usted razonable.
-Razonable ¿Razonable? Mi razón está en las tinieblas, en ellas veo.
Et vita erat lux hominum… et lux in tenebris lucet… -murmuró el sacerdote como hablando consigo mismo.
Entonces se acercó a María su hermano, y de un golpe rápido le arrebató la venda. Todos se alarmaron entonces, porque la pobre mujer miró en torno de sí despavorida, como buscando algo a que asirse. Y luego de reponerse murmurando: «¡Qué brutos son los hombres!, cayó de hinojos ante su padre preguntando:
-¿Es éste?
-Sí, ése es -dijo el sacerdote señalándoselo-, ya no conoce.
-Tampoco yo conozco.
-Dios es misericordioso, hija mía; ha permitido que pueda usted ver a su padre antes de que se muera…
-Sí, cuando ya él no me conoce, por lo visto…
-La divina misericordia…
-Está en la oscuridad -concluyó María que, sentada sobre sus talones, pálida, con los brazos caídos, miraba al través de su padre, al vacío.
Levantándose al cabo, se acercó a su padre, y al tocarlo, retrocedió aterrada, exclamando:
-Frío, frío como la luz, muerto.
Y cayó al suelo presa de un síncope.
Cuando volvió en sí se abrazó al cadáver, y cubriéndole de besos, repetía:
-¡Padre, Padre! ¡No te he visto morir!
-Hay que cerrarle los ojos -dijo a María su hermano.
-Sí, sí, hay que cerrarle los ojos… que no vea ya… que no vea ya… ¡Padre, padre! Ya está en las tinieblas… en el reino de la misericordia…
-Ahora se basa en la luz del Señor -dijo el sacerdote.
-María -le dijo su hermano con voz trémula tocándole en un hombro-, eres madre, aquí te traen a tu niño, que olvidaste en casa al venirte; viene llorando…
-¡Ah! Si. ¡Angelito! ¡Quiere pecho! ¡Que le traigan!
Y exclamó en seguida:
-¡La venda! ¡La venda! ¡Tráeme pronto la venda, no quiero verle!
-Pero María…
-Si no me vendáis los ojos, no le doy de mamar.
-Sé razonable, María…
-Os he dicho ya que mi razón está en las tinieblas…
La vendaron, tomó al niño, lo palpó, se descubrió el pecho, y poniéndoselo a él, le apretaba contra su seno murmurando:
-¡Pobre padre! ¡Pobre padre!

Pin en Escritores de todos los tiempos. Writers, écrivains.
Miguel De Unamuno And The Bakery Of Life
Unamuno, lector supremo | Biblioteca en Llamas | Blogs |
Miguel De Unamuno y Jugo