- Karen Kolbinsky this is beyond INSANE and a LIE.. the MSM is every bit if not more responsible for promoting violence against innocent people in this world including the 9 who died in the shooting in Dayton you refuse to talk about here. their shooter was a devout …See More
- Karen Kolbinsky I am not on the wrong side of history, friend.. Whoever is on the wrong side of JESUS is going to realize one day all He spoke through prophets from the beginning to the end is TRUTH and we who align ourselves with TRUTH are on the RIGHT not the LEFT i…See More
- Karen Kolbinsky What does it mean to be MORAL? what is JUSTICE? TRUTH? LAW? ORDER? Who among us as mere humans get to create, establish or promote LAW in this world? WHO do we elect to represent US in this world when one human or another is exalted to rule over us rather than to serve us as a whole community? based on who's law? who's culture? who's traditions? why? what's myth? what's TRUTH? how do we KNOW? Who says?
- Alan Archibald You say I "prevent them (i.e., my political opponents) from speaking their own minds?"
What planet are you from, Karen?
You have more to say on my Facebook page than I do!
As you know, I welcome opportunity to document right-wing lunacy by posting EVERYTHING you send my way.
Bring it on Karen!
Hold NOTHING back!
As for the Dayton killer, please note that I am eagerly publishing the following MSM article -- the first article I came across which references the deplorable killer's fondness for Warren and Sanders. https://www.cnn.com/.../connor-betts-dayton.../index.html
Here's the deal...
Connor Betts was crazy enough to kill his own sister with whom he always had a good relationship!?!
Of course, I don't know what was going on in Betts' head, or what psychopathology he may have suffered.
But such eyepoppingly erratic behavior suggests mood swings reminiscent of bipolar disease.
Whatever issues Betts had, high school administrators had long ago written him up as deranged.
By contrast, the El Paso killer left a white nationalist (aka white supremacist) manifesto. And in that screed, he specifically talks about not wanting to kill ANY fellow white Americans - only latinos.
Here is a link to Patrick Crusius' manifesto. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49245606
And here's a link to describing an El Paso victim's father's forgiveness of Crusius.
El Paso Shooting Victim's Father, Gilbert Anchondo, Forgives His Son Andres' Killer
Just because a superficial parallel can be drawn between Crusius and Betts doesn't mean such parallets are not false equivalencies.
Tell you what.
Let's make a deal.
I will withdraw all support for -- and any favorable references to -- Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren until the nomination process is over, if you will withdraw all support for -- and any favorable reference to -- Donald Trump.
Why do I sense you will not take me up on this deal, even though it would provide you the kind of spiritual benefit your soul may need most - which is shunning (for about a year) the felon-liar-cheat-racist-promoter-of-deadly-violence-con-man-solipsist-toxic-narcissist --- and according to his ex-wife, rapist --- at whose altar you prostrate yourself in abject assent to EVERY goddamn thing the "man" says or does?
If you were to go through the New Testament line-by- line, it would not surprise me if you disagreed with Jesus more often than Deranged Donald.CNN.COMDayton shooter appeared to tweet extreme left views and had an abiding interest in violenceDayton shooter appeared to tweet extreme left views and had an abiding interest in violence
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- Carly Sanfilipo The manic defensiveness speaks volumes. Yikes. Methinks she knows deep down that she is on the wrong side of history.
- Alan Archibald Carly Sanfilipo Thanks for weighing in Carly. Hope you're well. Best wishes to Kevin!
- Karen Kolbinsky I am not on the wrong side of history, friend.. Whoever is on the wrong side of JESUS is going to realize one day all He spoke through prophets from the beginning to the end is TRUTH and we who align ourselves with TRUTH are on the RIGHT not the LEFT i…See More
- Alan Archibald Karen Kolbinsky If Trumpistas prevail, you may not end up on the wrong side of history.
But you will be on the wrong side of Truth.
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