the poor and needy. It will take a real purging of corrupt politicians from every place they are seated in power to steal, kill and destroy whoever dare try stop them if we are to see real HOPE and CHANGE in this country.. just a few GOOD MEN who rise up to actually DO what they promise to by "draining the swamp" not only in DC but in every city where so much corruption has been allowed to go unchecked .. anyway, there is great HOPE in what Candace Owens is doing for her own closest family and race by taking LIGHT into darkest places (university campuses) to expose the LIES too many students have been poisoned with from "professors" they've trusted who pretend they care at all about the problems which can only be solved with real answers and solutions. People need to work for a living and pay their own way. That's what real dignity and self respect is about which so few kids are learning in this world. . The whole idea of "entitlement" is destroying the culture of a black community that 100 years ago had been for the most part still in tact where fathers stayed to raise their own children and mothers would never have imagined allowing their babies to be ripped from their wombs in the name of a woman's "right" when in reality it's an act of genocide planned from the time Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood with an intent of annihilating the children of freed slaves She openly writes in her own words the PLAN and embraced Hitler's "final solution" as one she herself believed to be the only "good" one for "inferior races" or less "intelligent" humans who should only be allowed to reproduce with permission from a government.
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