
Sunday, August 4, 2019

Facebook Exchange With Xtian Fundie Friend About U.S. Racism And The Nature Of Truth

Image result for "pax on both houses" truth
I yield the floor to my friend Karen.

Nixon, Reagan And Trump's In-Your-Face, Out-In-The-Open Racism

  • Karen Kolbinsky So much propaganda.. you choose LIES over TRUTH.. that's very sad really since only knowing the TRUTH will set you free. It's not about men it's about humbling yourself to obey the Law of God Himself. Any man or woman who can believe and promote such lawless and barbaric behavior as slaughtering innocent babies in the name of a "human right" is deaf, dumb and blind suffering from deception and delusion. There is no way you can believe yourself able to point a finger, cast a stone or judge any other human in this world as morally inferior.
  • Alan Archibald Karen, you spend your life pointing accusatory fingers.

    And the information you use to point your finger comes from QAnon and Alex Jones.
    See More
  • Karen Kolbinsky too funny.. TRUTH matters and every LIE will be exposed for what it is. Truth will prevail eventually because anyone who has eyes to see, ears to hear and a brain capable of processing what we witness for ourselves can't be fooled by blind guides who hSee More
  • Karen Kolbinsky I can see and hear for myself and I know who it is I have believed who will never mislead or teach me to disobey the Law of God Himself. Anyone who calls himself a servant or follower of Jesus who teaches another in this world to rebel and act out lawSee More
  • Karen Kolbinsky For the record Alex Jones rejected "Qanon" from the time whoever "Q" is started posting online in November of 2017. If he's not for real then what he's doing will come to nothing.. He certainly in no way ever teaches anyone to hurt or kill another huSee More
    • Alan Archibald So...

      Essentially your concern for truth reduces to this: "If QAnon is bullshit, weil... then... forget about it."

      But until "then," preach it as if it's a newly-discovered fifth gospel.


      As for the Epstein Scandal,..

      Britain's "The Guardian" (which you tried to trash while commenting on recent post of mine) broke the story in 2015 two years before QAnonsense. 

      If you spent less time in the epistemological swamp and more time really tracking down good reporting in the main stream media, you'd be astonished how much you'd learn when no longer mesmerized by Trumpista hype.

      Trump Tells The Truth: "I Lie."
      Jeffrey Epstein: inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince Andrew
      Jeffrey Epstein: inside the decade of scandal entangling Prince…

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