
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Rising Anti-Semitic Hatred Is Changing Jewish Life Across The United States

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Abortion Rates: Why And Where They're Falling

A female protester seen attending the protest against the proposal to restrict abortion in front of Krakow archdiocese on March 18, 2018.
Abortion Rates: Why And Where They're Falling
U.S. News & World Reports

2018 Report: Abortion Rates Drop Dramatically But Only In Developed Countries

A human zygote in the 8 cell stage.
Human Zygote.
Human Person?

(Any room for democratic debate?)

2018 Report: Abortion Rates Drop Dramatically 
But Only In Developed Countries Where Abortion Is Legal
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NPR: U.S. Abortion Rate Falls Below Rate Prior To Rowe V. Wade, And Continues To Decline

U.S. Abortion Rate At Lowest Recorded Point

Number of abortions per 1,000 women ages 15-44

19751980198519901995200020052010051015202530351973: 16.3 abortionsper 1,000 women1980-81: 29.3 abortionsper 1,000 women2014: 14.6 abortionsper 1,000 women
U.S. Abortion Rate Falls Below Rate Prior To Rowe V. Wade, And Continues To Decline

"The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil" - An Open Invitation To Christian Conservatives

Image result for "Pax on both houses" st. paul

St. Paul The Apostle Comments On Trump's Greed

Image result for "Pax on both houses" I love money

Trump's Full-Throttled Promotion Of Greed, Traditionally One Of Christianity's "7 Deadly Sins"

Alan: I keep publishing the above memes, begging "conservatives," particularly Christian "conservatives," to "explain away" Trump's lifelong loving dedication to "the root of all evil."

Not one person has even made the attempt.

I also note that Paul the Apostle does not call abortion "the root of all evil."

According to Paul, "the root of all evil is the love of money."

Revealingly, Trump openly admits -- proudly admits -- that he has "always been greedy. I love money."

I will append to this blog post any -- and every -- exculpatory explanation of how Donald Trump is a "good Christian" or even a "good person" despite his avowed dedication to "the root of all evil."

Image result for pax on both houses, larry nassar

Pope Francis: The Horror Of Religious Fundamentalism And What's Wrong With Religion

Image result for "pax on both houses" I'm a great christian

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Pope Francis On Fundamentalism: The Horror Of Turning God Into Ideological Pretext

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"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump

The Heart Of Darkness "Satan Himself Masquerades As An Angel Of Light." 2 Corinthians 11:14 | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

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Reprise: "Trump Raped His Wife" | In A 1990 Divorce Proceeding Trump's First Wife, Ivana, Said Trump Made Her "Feel Violated" During Sex And Described The Attack To A Friend  | image tagged in deplorable donald,despicable donald,devious donald,dishonorable donald,delusional donald,dishonest donald | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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The 2016 Election Was Amerika's "Good Christian" Shoutout | The 2016 Election Was Amerika's "Good Christian" Shoutout: "Give Us Barabbas!" | image tagged in trump,barabbas,conservative christian,the good christians,the deplorables | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

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There are two ways of lying, as there are two ways of deceiving customers. If the scale registers 15 ounces, you can say: "It's a pound." Your lie will remain relative to an invariable measure of the true. If customers check it, they can see that they are being robbed, and you know by how much you are robbing them: a truth remains as a judge between you. But if the demon induces you to tamper with the scale itself, it is the criterion of the true which is denatured, there is no longer any possible control. And little by little you will forget that you are cheating.    

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Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"

Paradoxically, Where Abortion Is Outlawed, The Abortion Rate Tends To Be Higher

Paradoxically, Those Societies With Legal Abortion Have Lower Abortion Rates. And Where Abortion Is Legal, Rates Are Coming Down. In The U.S | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Inconvenient Truths

1.) Where Pro-Life advocacy is strongest, abortion rates are highest - often astronomically higher. (These waters are rather muddy because there is little trustworthy record-keeping in those countries where back-alley abortions are the norm.

2.) What we do know in developed countries where record-keeping is best is that abortion rates are significantly lower than in underdeveloped countries and rates continue on their downward trajectory.

2-A) In the United States, the abortion rate is now lower than it was before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion -- and the rate is still declining. 

Then there is this bedrock -- and often unmentioned -- fact.

Abortion will not "go away" even if it's outlawed. 

The unspoken assumption that abortion will come to an end (or even decline) once it's outlawed is no different than any other form of moral prohibition.


If God's own "Ten Commandments" have no traction -- and they certainly have none in Donald Trump's personal life -- there is no reason to believe "the root of all evil" will disappear just because "God says so." 

Image result for "Pax on both houses" st. paul

St. Paul The Apostle Comments On Trump's Greed

Image result for "Pax on both houses" I love money
Alan: I keep publishing the above memes along with St. Paul's commentary on greed, begging "conservatives" -- particularly Christian conservatives -- to explain away Trump's lifelong loving dedication to "the root of all evil" and not one person has even made the attempt.
I promise you this: I will append to this blog post any -- and every -- exculpatory explanation of how Trump can remain a virtuous person despite his avowed commitment to "the root of all evil."

Note well:

In societies with 1.) safe, legal abortion, 2.) shameless access to afforable contraception, and 3.) universal sex education, abortion rates are routinely low - and often in process of coming down even farther. 

On the other hand, in cultures where 1.) abortion is illegal, 2.) contraception is hard to secure and 3.) sex education is not publicly financed, abortion rates are not declining and are - according to "best information" are about 9% higher than in societies with 1.) safe, legal abortion, 2.) shameless access to afforable contraception, and 3.) universal sex education

And so, if you want to guarantee higher rates of abortion with no decline in those rates, first make abortion illegal; then make contraception difficult and, finally, eliminate publicly financed sex education.

It is also an inconvenient truth that those countries where abortion is proscribed altogether -- or available only to save the mother's life or to preserve her health -- tend to be what Donald Trump refers to as "shithole countries."

And finally in the two memes above -- St. Paul and The Deplorable One -- note that "conservative" Christians are most vituperative on issues relating to sexual and reproductive morality because no real effort is required for smarmy judgmentalists to proclaim their opposition to behaviors they personally abhor, and -- in a disproportionate number of cases -- behaviors they have already "aged out" of. 

However, when Christian conservatives consider a man who brags about his participation in "the root of ALL evil," they have nothing but praise. 

To probe these issues in greater depth, here is an excellent "one-stop" resource. 

"Kansas Abortion Protections Are Now Stronger Than Ever, A Stunning Reversal For A State Known For Anti-Abortion Extremism"

Image result for "Pax on both houses" I love money

If Barack Obama Had Said Any Of Things, Every "Conservative" In America Would Have Called For His Head - But Only After Drawing And Quartering

Snopes: Did Trump Incite Violence At His Rallies?

Reprise: Must-See Video Mash-Up Of Trump's Violent Racism

"Pittsburgh Rabbi Told Trump That Hate Speech Led To Synagogue Massacre"

Image result for "Pax on both houses" trump violence

"Part of the problem ... is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore."

Demonstrators interrupted a Trump rally in St. Louis, Missouri, Friday. As they were being escorted out of the venue, the candidate bemoaned the fact that there were no longer "consequences" to protesting and insisted the "country has to toughen up."
“You know, part of the problem and part of the reason it takes so long is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right?" he explained. His remarks are heard just after the seven-minute mark in the video above.
Outside the event, people screamed profanity and anti-Muslim rhetoric at each other while a bloodied protester was given medical treatment. Thirty two people were arrested.

"The audience hit back. That's what we need a little bit more of."

At a press conference in Florida earlier on Friday, Trump was asked about his rhetoric in the wake of an incident in which a supporter at a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina, sucker-punched a black man in the face.
While he wasn't asked about that specific altercation, Trump said of violent behavior in general at his events: "The audience hit back and that's what we need a little bit more of." 
He also praised people using physical force at his rallies as "appropriate."
On NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, Trump said he would have his team look into paying the legal fees of 78-year-old John McGraw, who was charged with assault and disorderly conduct after attacking the protester.

"In the good old days this doesn't happen because they used to treat them very, very rough."

As protesters were being escorted out of the rally in Fayetteville on Wednesday, Trump told the crowd that the protesters were not being treated poorly enough. 
“They used to treat them very, very rough, and when they protested once, they would not do it again so easily,” he said, before lamenting "we've become weak."

"Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."

At a rally in Michigan in early March, Trump again seemed to give the green light to violent behavior. As a protester was being escorted out of the building, Trump marveled at what a "fun time" everyone was having.
"Get him out," he then said. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court, don't worry about it."
He then told an anecdote about a brawl at a prior rally that was "amazing to watch."

"I'd like to punch him in the face."

At a Las Vegas rally in late February, as a protester was again being removed from the premises, Trump lamented that "we're not allowed to punch back anymore" and reminisced about the halcyon "old days," when a protester would "be carried out on a stretcher."
The crowd is delighted, cheering, clapping and laughing.
He then said he'd like to punch the man in the face, again to cheers.

"Knock the crap out of them."

After a protester threw a tomato at Trump at a previous event, he encouraged fighting at a later campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in early February.
"If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously." He again promised to pay for any legal fees associated with an assault.

"Maybe he should have been roughed up."

After a Black Lives Matter activist was kicked, punched and, he said, called the N-word at a campaign event in Birmingham, Alabama, in November, Trump expressed his approval.
"Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing," the now frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination told Fox & Friends the next day.
Trump said the man deserved the treatment because he had been "very obnoxious" and "so loud." The remarks can be heard just after the 11-minute mark in the video above.

"I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will."

Black Lives Matter activists took over a Bernie Sanders campaign event in Seattle in August, asking for a moment of silence for Michael Brown, the teenager who was killed by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. Trump was asked how he would respond to a similar situation. 
The candidate was defiant, and curious about who would get into a physical altercation when faced with protesters — him or his supporters. 
That much, now, is clear.
This post has been updated with the addition of Trump's comments at Friday's St. Louis rally, Saturday's Kansas City rally and Sunday's interview on Meet the Press. 
On Aug. 9, Trump made comments at a North Carolina rally suggesting "Second Amendment people" could take action against Hillary Clinton if she were elected. Trump later insisted he was referring to their voting power, not inciting violence. More here.

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