
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"Frog Hospital" & "Pax On Both Houses" Discuss Harvey Weinstein & The Unspeakable Fallout

Divorce Would End If Women Treated Their Husbands With The Same Indulgence They Treat Their Cats | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Dear Fred,

Thanks for Frog Hospital.

What you say is true: "I want to thank Harvey Weinstein for making life difficult for all the men in America. You can't tell a joke these days. It's like going through security at the airport and making a bomb joke -- you can't do that. So, thanks to Harvey, any statement about your relations with the women in your life must be made with complete sobriety.  No jokes, especially no smirks. Premature apologies might be rejected. Saying nothing might work, unless they notice you're saying nothing."

You probably know I have issues with most women.

It's not so much they're to blame.... unless (as I believe in my heart) women are called upon to overcome their genetic mandate to be "passively alluring honey pots" (at least in their "reproductive years"). 

Most ditzes -- whose ranks are swollen by exceptionally intelligent women who "learn early" how to enhance the likelihood of "making their catch" through skilled application of "make-up" --  reside unabashedly in their reproductive instinct, a "decision" that greatly facilitates reproductive union.

Just a few years ago I overheard a progressive, professional woman - in conversation with a group of women - refer to someone who had just "made her catch." (An aside... For most of my adult life I have seen earrings as "fishing lures.")

It is odd that we consider ourselves in charge of our sexuality, controlling and directing it, when, in fact, our sexuality - informed by the survivalist thrust of "biological Universe" - controls-and-directs us. 

And so "ditzes" (in league with the overwhelming bulk of women who prioritize their reproduction code), default to "essential magnetism," and thus plunged into Reproduction-Survival Mode, they disproportionately bypass opportunities to practice the arts of courage which require going against "the grain" whereas sexual receptivity is the grain itself

(Before I leave this topic of sexualized "make-up" - and the fundamental fiction that the phrase "make-up" evokes - I will mention my recent sighting of a billboard in Merida, Yucatan: "La mujer es ilusión." In Spanish "ilusión" means both "illusion" and "hope" and comes very close to suggesting that "hope" depends on "illusion.") 

And so, unaccustomed to practicing the arts of courage (which tend to go "against the flow") sexually-predicated women are unusually inclined to look for a savior or a champion -- out there -- on the other side of the sexual divide

As happened in the last election, many women default to their "damsel-in-distress" motif and throw themselves at chest-thumping, wealthy Alpha Dogs who promise protection in troubled times.

Trump only got 46% of the popular vote but he won 53% of white women, not exactly a landslide but 14.3% more votes than he got as a raw percentage of the overall vote.

Why Did White Women Vote For Trump?
Look At Kellyanne Conway's Sexual Harassment Story

You've heard me say it before: "If a soccer mom feels threatened, she will immediately look for a guy with a big club." And if those guys occasionally beat women with those clubs, too many women seem to think that's just "the cost of doing business..." (To men's discredit, far too many of us think that "abusing women" is "the norm." Gotta keep those women in line!)


"Thanks Harvey" for making me look like the bad guy by pointing out that women need to consciously rise above their focus on illusory appearance and political submissiveness just as men need to "take thought" and rise above their hominid penchant for brute domination through upper body strength.

Increasingly (and dispiritingly) I see homo "sapiens" as just another simian species, which - at the slightest prompting - indulges "monkey business."

I also realize that if I were not genetically constructed to be passionate about "curves" and "the silly masculine desire to put balls in baskets/holes/cups and nets," I would openly admit that monkeys (and apes) are my least favorite animals.

"Humans are the only species on earth who deliberately kill members of our own species for personal gain. Or pleasure. Sometimes it’s just f | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

Give me the cetaceans. 

Or the felines.

Or the canines.

Or the birds.

Or the fish.

Any "family" but "the monkeys."

Thanks Harvey... 

You porcine asshole!

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I think it was easier to "run the race" when the course was shorter.

When I was born in 1947, average life expectancy was 60 years. 

And a 65 year old was OLD.

Today, if you make it to 60 (and most of us do), chances are good you'll live into your mid 80's.

But the nearer I get, the less eager I am to exceed 90.

Human warehousing anyone...


A Man Marries A Woman Believing She Will Never Change, And She Does. A Woman Marries A Man Believing He Will Change, And He Doesn't. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker

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On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Fred Owens <> wrote:

FROG HOSPITAL -- Oct. 17, 2017
Too Much News

By Fred Owens

Too Much News!  Northern California is in flames.  Las Vegas is grieving. Puerto Rico is starving. Houston is struggling. And Hollywood is the heart of a deadly scandal.

The scariest thing is  having Trump in the White House. He is not a steady hand. He does not have the voice of assurance.  He does not give the impression of calm strength. He is doing an awful job of it.

But the kids see their own terrors. They don't watch the network news. They don't read newspapers. They seem to be uninformed. But I'm wrong to say that.  It's more like they know differently and the world looks different to them. They don't see the same dangers. They don't seek the same solutions. 

Kids meaning people under 40. They have apps. Apps are OK. I don't use any myself, but they don't scare me. I did use Lyft the other day -- it was easy.

I want to thank Harvey Weinstein for making life difficult for all the men in America. You can't tell a joke these days. It's like going through security at the airport and making a bomb joke -- you can't do that. So, thanks to Harvey, any statement about your relations with the women in your life must be made with complete sobriety.  No jokes, especially no smirks. Premature apologies might be rejected. Saying nothing might work, unless they notice you're saying nothing. ..... Thanks, Harvey, you really screwed things up for the rest of us.

No Proof Reader. Jim Bertolino, creative writer, esteemed poet, frog pond watcher, and good friend, said I need a proofreader. Well, I sure do.

I write this newsletter. I read it over at least three times, and then I send it out. Some errors always escape detection because, as everybody knows, you cannot proof your own work. 

The solution is for me to get my column connected to a larger organization. Send it in to the Acme News and Weather Report, 750 words every week, for payment of $85, and they can proof it. You get almost zero errors that way. But there is no Acme  News and Weather Report and there is no $85, there is only me.

Pam Smith used to proof my copy at the Wilson County News and she was bulletproof, having served as an English teacher for many years before coming to work at this newspaper.

That was more than ten years ago. Since that time I have been stuck on my own, broke, lonely, and poorly spelled.

(journalistically lonely  -- I have a fabulous girl friend)

Some day it will get better.

I called Stuart Welch, formerly of  Rexville. Stuart ran the Rexville Store outside of LaConner for more than 15 years. Seven days a a week, 12 hours a day, he rarely took any time off, except for golf.

I called him from Santa Barbara because Stuart is an expert on everything. The words "I don't know" are simply not in his vocabulary.  I asked him who will win the NLCS, either the Cubs or the Dodgers. Then I asked him if it was a good deal to order Milgard windows from Home Depot and have the Home Depot crew install them. The windows are for Laurie's home in Santa Barbara -- six windows and two sliding doors. The existing aluminum frame windows are more than forty years old and single pane.

Stuart did not answer when I phoned this afternoon. I left a voicemail with the two questions and said I would call back in the morning.

#Me Too and the Republican Rebuttal

#MeToo is flooding my feed on Facebook. A cascade, a deluge. I read them with fascination and sympathy -- highly credible statements of harassment and assault, hundreds of them.

But what I noticed was that none of these statements came from Republican women. They have not jumped on the bandwagon. They don't seem to agree with the thrust of this movement that was sparked by the dismal record of Harvey Weinstein's very bad behavior.

These Republican women might have a different take on the problem and they might say something like the following -- "This kind of disgusting behavior is a problem in California. The Hollywood crowd has always been depraved and corrupt. But here in Missouri our men respect us. And we respect them.  You can't trust these Hollywood people. they do not project the honest moral qualities that make America a good country. What Harvey Weinstein did is typical of how people behave in the movie business, but it doesn't happen here in Missouri."

#MeToo and the NRA

The NRA rebuttal to #MeToo is easy to imagine. It goes like this:

"Are you scared? Are you vulnerable? The smart thing to do, the way to become truly empowered, is to put a handgun in your handbag. Put a pistol in your purse, because when you're packing heat, men will respect you, or else."

#Me Too and the White Nationalists

This is a sad and ugly thing -- white nationalists have inserted themselves into the dialog and here is what they have to say:

"Everybody knows the Jews run Hollywood, so you can expect beasts like Harvey Weinstein to do their evil deeds. He is typical of that crowd. But we respect our women and protect their honor."

The reactions depicted here, from the Republican women, from the NRA and from White Nationalists groups will be deployed in the coming days.

It will be quite a battle. Be prepared to rebuke these rebuttals.

Thank you,


Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214

My gardening blog is  Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

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