
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Bill O'Reilly And His Pending Resurrection By The Koch Brothers

Image result for pax on both houses trump o'reilly

We Are Known By The Company We Keep: Evangelicals LOVE Donald Trump

Dear F,

Thanks for your email about Bill O'Reilly's pending resurrection by the Koch brothers and their expanding media network.

"Things go round and round."

Some years ago at Chautauqua Institution, I heard a couple of Christian theologians say that most of the books of the bible were written over long periods of time with input from multiple authors, editors and scribes.

The upshot is that "everbody" is represented in the Bible's authorship so that forevermore "everybody" can find pretty much anything they want to find in the Bible since it was "half"-written by "conservatives" and "half"-written by "conservatives. 

Just look for the authorial voices that correspond to your personal political disposition and you will locate scriptural authorization for any damn thing. 

The God Of The Bible Commands All Men To Stone Rebellious Children To Death

The conclusion that scripture was written by people across the political, psychological and theological spectrum makes good sense, although I will add that the proposition is nowhere near as applicable to The New Testament as The Old although the "addenda" to the four canonical gospels contain lots of dubious bits.

For example, I believe that the account of Ananias and Sapphira in "The Book of Acts" (aka "The Acts Of The Apostles") is factual nonsense, at least partially written by an authoritarian conservative who was completely at ease representing God as a small-minded, easily-offended, vindictive thug-murderer. 

Here is Wikipedia's contextualization of the event.

That said, Acts of the Apostles also contains the following remarkable passage which you will NEVER find on the lips of a "Christian" "conservative."

Image result for pax on both houses, in the mouths of most christians
In fact, in the mouths of most "Christians," "The Word Of God" is the apotheosis of personal opinion.



Image result for pax on both houses trump o'reilly

We Are Known By The Company We Keep: Evangelicals LOVE Donald Trump

On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 2:39 PM, FV wrote:

Dear A

MSNBC just reporting that Bill is talking to Sinclair Broadcasting. As Jim  told us last night they just benefited from deregulation and could become a big national Koch brothers voice.

How appropriate.



On Oct 25, 2017 12:07 AM, "Alan Archibald" <> wrote:

Inline image 1

Dear F,

Bill is one of those Catholics who believes that God needs a bodyguard, that Truth is a 90 pound weakling who, in order to survive, needs a security detail comprised of thugs and a propaganda machine that will tell - and re-tell - any lie in order to protect the fragility of Truth.

Gandhi, Truth And The Irrepressible Power Of Satyagraha



On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 11:08 PM, FV wrote:

Forgot to bring up another stunning event in this week of stunners.

Bill, in his podcast today ,sitting on his pity pot ,on the verge of tears and having run out of people to blame for his fall from grace, said he is mad at GOD, wishing he had more protection from this happening.

Doesn't dawn on him that maybe God is mad at him.


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