
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Thinking Housewife: "Rape in MultiCulti Sweden"

Alan: Is it not curious that allegations of epidemic rape 
-- perped by Islamic men living in Europe -- 
focus disproportionately on Scandinavia, 
home to the whitest exemplars of humanity?

The 35 Most Beautiful Women In Sweden

Alan: A recent post by The Thinking Housewife -- "Rape In MultiCulti Sweden" -- spotlights the determination of right-wing Americans to denigrate Islam even though allegations of widespread rape throughout Scandinavia (particularly by Muslims) are demonstrably false.

"Housewife" fails the straight face test by alleging that Islamic rape is spiraling out of control even though Scandinavian citizens -- male and female alike -- report no outrage on the internet.

Right-wing fondness for falsehood is so self-forgiving that conservatives refuse to investigate sources other than their own imaginary figments no matter how manifestly absurd they be.

Perhaps The Thinking Housewife would have us believe those Swedish hussies enjoy being raped; hence their silence.

The more absurd the "datum," the more conservatives bandy it about. spends a hugely disproportionate amount of time/energy debunking right-wing foolishness because there is so much to debunk. 

See "Top 25 Hottest Urban Legends."

It is no secret that facts are spun to ideological advantage on "both sides of the political aisle."

Even so, it is an inconvenient truth that since onset of The National Lunacy in the wake of 9/11, American conservatives have dedicated themselves to the destruction of Intellectual Rigor and to derogatory disregard for The Scientific Method.

Such epistemological vandalism has been so thorough that respectable epistemology is not even a memory. 

The Thinking Housewife is callous enough to call into doubt the murder of two dozen 5 and 6 year olds in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, but has no questions concerning the validity of rape data from Sweden.

The Thinking Housewife Plunges Into The Abyss Of Conspiratorial Thinking

In light of the rife falsehoods that saturate "Rape In MultiCulti Sweden," consider the following.

"Shortly after Arutz Sheva published the Oslo rapes report in early December, I wrote to The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Justice and the Police asking them to verify Gil Ronen’s claims. I received the following reply from Elisabeth Lund a Senior Adviser to the Ministry:
Statistics regarding assault rapists:
The Oslo Police District has given a report of rapes in Oslo in 2010. The report shows that for all types of rape, except assault rape, European perpetrators are in the majority, and they are mostly Norwegian. Assault rapes covers only five identified unique person. These have all a foreign origin. The number is however, so low that it does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions with regard to country of origin. Two of them were very young (under 18) and two had severe psychiatric diagnoses and cannot be regarded as representative of their ethnic culture. It is highlighted in the report that generalizations like “Oslo’s rapists are foreigners”, which have been seen in media, are wrong. The report gives no statistics regarding religion of rapists.”
Yours Sincerely,
Grethe Kleivan
Deputy Director General

Although the following source is a welter of poorly coordinated data, it also contains important information, much of it sourced.

To wit: "The US state with the lowest murder count and population size closest to Sweden (North Carolina) had nearly 100 more murders in 1 year than Sweden did in 5 years. Sweden’s murder count in 5 years (2008-2012) would be 414, where as North Carolina’s murder count is above 500 in just 1 year."

The Thinking Housewife 

Rape In MultiCulti Sweden


Why are there high rape crimes in Sweden, Norway and Denmark compared to the rest of the world?

6 Answers

Eric Pepke
Eric Pepke
The linked study has a reference to a paper that talks about reported rapes. This is useless, especially in a cross-cultural context, for several reasons.

For every crime (possibly except murder), the number of reported incidents is not the same as the number of incidents. Obviously, some reports may be false, and this may differ from culture to culture and individual to individual. Even if we neglect that, there is also the rate of reporting, and this can vary widely. People will be far less likely to report a crime that more hostile the authorities are to people and the less seriously they take reports. Dismissal of reports of sexual battery are commonplace, and they will also differ significantly from culture to culture.

In passing, let's note that rape is usually defined legally in a sexist way, as something that can only happen to women. A lot of places, such as most of the United States, have adopted less sexist or non-sexist sexual battery statuses. This doesn't completely solve the problem, though, as various agencies such as rape hotlines, even in states that have had non-sexist sexual battery laws for decades, tend to use the old-fashioned definition of rape. This could be controlled for by declaring simply that one does not care about male victims, which is commonplace. Even if one agree to this, the other problems make getting accurate numbers practically impossible.

A much better way of getting crime statistics is victimization surveys. (They do, however, require the victims not to be dead, as in murder, but then at least there is a body that can be difficult to ignore.) These have their problems as well, but the problems are methodological, and very smart researchers can do a lot about them. They will also, however, differ from culture to culture, based on patterns of communication in the cultures. For example, a culture with near-universal phone service may give different results than one without. A common way to deal with this is to try to use a scientific random sample, but this requires being able more-or-less accurately to guess what other characteristics of populations would be likely to affect the measurement. Very large samples are also required. Whether a study is done for various cultures depends heavily on funding of and interest by researchers, which is also highly variable.

There are two kinds of studies we have that give the best pictures:
  1. Large, international crime victims surveys, such as the ICVS - International Crime Victims Survey
  2. National crime reports for large rich countries, such as the United States and Canada, through national police forces (FBI, RCMP).
The methodologies of these two kinds of studies differ, but there's a heuristic in science, that if different methodologies produce the same results, the results are more likely to be correct.

When you do this for the two categories above, two patterns emerge. Sexual crimes in general go way up under two conditions:
  1. A large military presence
  2. The further one gets North in the Northern Hemisphere
Number 1 is easy to understand, as lots of aggressive and violent crimes go up with a high military presence. Despite what many in the military say about honor and the like, there is a social cost to training large numbers of people to kill others.

Number 2 is a bit trickier to understand. Perhaps the cold or lack of sunlight have an emotional effect on people. Perhaps it's an artifact of spending more time indoors with each other (which incidentally is the reason for the spread of colds in the winter, not the actual cold, which would normally reduce the spread of airborne infections). Maybe it even has something to do with the fact that sexual maturation is significantly faster the closer one gets to the tropics. Whatever it is, it seems to hold, and Sweden is pretty far North.

(Note that I'm not giving references for this. They are easily found on the web. I used to provide links, but it did not result my desired behavior, which is for people to look up their own stuff and try to show that I am wrong. That's the kind of thing that delights scientists [we're perverse]. However, they are easy to find in Google, and I hope that a few people will get pissed off at me for this answer and look some up, adding value to the discussion.)

Anders Nygaard
Anders NygaardNorwegian
The issue this question raises was constructed on a distorted reading of the results of several surveys. I must assume they were intentionally misread by a number of groups with a racist agenda, trying to frame immigrant men as rapists. It spread rapidly among people who wanted to believe it and didn't or couldn't check the source in 2009-2011.

What the extreme right groups who touted the results of, among others, theUNODC crime and criminal justice statistics and the Oslo municipal rape statistics ( - Voldtekt) left out is that these studies work with numbers on reported rape. An increased number of rapes reported to the police may in some cases even be a good thing, as the police commissioner of Oslo stated in 2011, bringing out these numbers to prove that the police's work to get survivors to report rape were having an effect. Proving the far right narrative of immigrant and asylum seeking men stalking and raping women at night would depend on access to the number, perpetrators and circumstances of unreported rapes.

Unfortunately, according to emergency rooms and support organizations, the number of actual crimes may be as much as ten times higher than the number of crimes reported. A lot of that seems to be sexual violence in close relations (we don't have legalized marital rape here) - comparing these admittedly very different statistics would suggest that assault type rapes perpetrated by a stranger - and in particular a foreign-looking stranger - is much more likely to be reported to the police. As for perpetrators, since the number of convictions is depressingly low, we don't have that much good data there either, and we don't even know how many assaults are by repeat offenders, though some guesses might be made based on the conviction statistics.

Social acceptance of violent rape is extremely low - which is probably why nationalist and nazi propagandists went for it. If anyone's likely to be the victim of a honour killing in Scandinavia, it's a rapist; yet another reason crimes by friends and family go unreported. However, since 2000, rapes also include sexual molestation of an unconscious person, a person in a state of deception or under threat, an area which apparently isn't subject to the same extreme level of social sanctions.

Here's the Norwegian statistic of reported crimes for 2013. Anmeldte lovbrudd. Look for the light purple line. That's all the reported sexual crimes. 758 reported molestations of minors, 1137 reported rapes, 100 reported attempted rapes. Given what we know about the prevalence of sexual violence, we should want that number to go up, along with the number of convictions, while the "dark" numbers - the emergency room and support group numbers - go down.

Eli Garrido
Eli GarridoMarketing, Technology, Asia...
As Disraeli said: there are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics. This is the case.

It's true that statistics (UNODC) show Sweden is the country with more rapes per 100,000 population in the world (the 2nd country is Jamaica with less than half of the cases reported in Sweden), but this a consequence of how crime is recorded in Sweden.

  • The Swedish police record each instance of sexual violence in every case separately, leading to an inflated number of cases compared to other countries.
  • Besides, Sweden also has a comparatively wide definition of rape. This means that more sexual crimes are registered as rape than in most other countries.

Magnus Itland
Magnus ItlandLived in Norway all my life
2.5k Views • Magnus has 100+ answers in Norway.
First, let us point out that in the public opinion of Scandinavia (and Sweden in particular), these publications are by political extremists on the borderlines of sanity, and as such can be expected to use statistics "the way the Devil reads the Bible" as we say up here.

What we next need to understand is that the Scandinavian countries no longer have a native rape culture. At some point rape became Just Plain Wrong and everyone agreed on this. It is not that it entirely stopped happening, but no one made excuses for it anymore. No more "boys will be boys" or "what could she expect, going out dressed like that". Respect for other people's bodily integrity was the rule.

Then, as the article points out, we got immigration, on a fairly large scale, from completely different cultures. Some of these have a completely different idea on what is acceptable behavior especially toward women. When women act the same way toward these as they do toward Scandinavian men, the foreigners rape them, or at least that is how it is perceived by the women. So the women report the incident to the police. The man, if found, will insist that it was all completely consensual, and generally find it absurd and racist that he is accused of such a crime. He can't help that the women here are crazy about him, can he?

So that is basically how it works. The number of reported rapes is high in Sweden because Swedish women faithfully report when they are raped, rather than assuming that it was their fault. It is lower in Norway and Denmark because we have less immigrants from rape cultures and the natives are more wary around them. Even so, the overwhelming majority of reported rapes here in Norway are by foreigners from non-Nordic cultures.

Anders Gabrielsson
Anders Gabrielssonborn in the south, raised in the north, lives in the middle. (Kind of.)
2.1k Views • Anders has 30+ answers in Sweden.
There are several factors, most of which have been touched upon above.

1) The definition of rape differs between countries. Sweden's definition of rape is comparatively broad, so incidents that would not be called rape in other places falls under rape here.

2) Willingness to report differs between countries. In a country where a report of rape is likely to go ignored or even get the victim in trouble the proportion of reported rapes will be lower. Even in Sweden there are great numbers of rapes that aren't reported - imagine what it's like where being a rape victim is a huge social stigma.

3) Willingness to dicuss the issue differs between countries. In a country where the police or politicians want to downplay the issue more cases will be noted as something other than rape.

In other words, using official statistics to compare the number of actual rapes is futile.
Liza Davis
Liza DavisDesigner/Photographer with a Writer's Eye
Here is an article that discusses this topic in-depth.  Sweden: Rape Capital of the West  - It came from the Gatestone Institute's website. This particular group doesn't seem to have a particular ideological agenda that would make it hostile toward particular ethnic, racial, or national groups, so I trust its unique read of the social situation.  

In a nutshell, it says the Swedish political and legal system has gone out of its way NOT to see the connection between the upsurge of rapes and the type of men that who commit them so as to avoid being called racist.  What numerous studies of rape in Sweden have shown is this - 

"Twenty-one research reports from the 1960s until today are unanimous in their conclusions: Whether or not they measured by the number of convicted rapists or men suspected of rape, men of foreign extraction were represented far more than Swedes. And this greater representation of persons with a foreign background keeps increasing:
  • 1960-1970s – 1.2 to 2.6 times as often as Swedes
  • 1980s – 2.1 to 4.7 times as often as Swedes
  • 1990s – 2.1 to 8.1 times as often as Swedes
  • 2000s – 2.1 to 19.5 times as often as Swedes
Even when adjusted for variables such as age, sex, class and place of residence, the huge discrepancy between immigrants and Swedes remains."

WHO are these immigrants?  Primarily they come from Muslim societies, which culturally believe that women do not have individual rights over their bodies.  What they do with their bodies is determined by Religious and Cultural Practices, NOT by their person.  AND, it is generally believed in Muslim culture, that if a woman is uncovered - that is basically if she isn't swathed in fabric; if a woman spends time with men alone outside of family; if a woman does not have male protectors from her family; if a woman has sex outside of marriage - she is fair game.  And since men from these cultures DO NOT understand the concept of  individual female autonomy they think it open season on women in Sweden.  And AMAZINGLY there doesn't seem to be an outcry from women's groups in Sweden about this. (Alan: There is no outcry from women's groups in Sweden because there is, in fact, no underlying outrage to cry out about.)

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