The Pope's comments apparently got deeply under the skin of Fox Business Host Stuart Varney.
“Capitalism, in my opinion, is a liberator,” he said. “The free choice of millions of people is the essence of freedom. In my opinion, society benefits most when people are free to pursue their own self-interest. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but it is not. When individuals are free, we collectively are better off in every way, financially and spiritually.”
It doesn't seem to matter to Varney that the Pope didn't criticize "People's Freedom or Self-Interest" - he criticized The Markets. He criticized the manipulation of those markets using financial speculation. It's not an accident that Varney gets this wrong, because he's a knave. A lapdog of the Markets.  His job is to make sure that his True Religion - Unfeterred Greed - is never questioned, never criticized and if it is that persons veracity and character has to beDestroyed.
It just becomes a little difficult when that person - Is the Holy Pontiff.  
See how he tries to rewrite and redefine the Pope's words for him.
“I go to church to save my soul,” Varney said. “It’s got nothing to do with my vote. Pope Francis has linked the two. He has offered direct criticism of a specific political system. He has characterized negatively that system. I think he wants to influence my politics.”
A political system?  He criticized a Political System? No actually, he didn't.  He criticized aFinancial System, by putting that system into a Moral Context.  A context in which it is sorely, severely lacking.  Politics is about how people make choices in who their Political Leaders will be.  In this case Varney is confusing Politics with Finances, and not hardly by accident.
For years we've been hearing from the Right-wing how the U.S. is a "Christian Nation".  How we should and must let our Christian Value guide how we vote, and how we govern.  That such considerations are what drives the anti-Choice movement, and the Prayer-In-Schools movement and the Creationist/Anti-Science movement - yet when the Head of the Largest Christian Organization in the World says that our financial systems should have a moral component.
Heads Start to Explode.
And what better head is there to do a Scanners than the Big Fat Head of Rush Limbaugh.
On his Wednesday radio show, Rush Limbaugh admitted being “befuddled” by the harsh words about “unfettered capitalism” released this week by Pope Francis.
But the new pronouncement, the pope’s latest Evangelii Gadium, or Joy of the Gospel, was a surprisingly frontal attack on capitalism, with Francis calling it a form of tyranny.
That didn’t sit well with Limbaugh. “Somebody has either written this for him or gotten to him,” Rush said. “This is just pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the pope.
The Pope is speaking "Pure Marxism"?  Somebody has "gotten to him"? Written it "For Him"?  Why, because a Holy Man can't consider that Capitalism can be dangerous?  Certainly he couldn't actually Mean what he says, let alone Know what it Means.  He just has to be incompetent or lying, because if he's not -- well, that's too much even for Limbaugh to consider.
All he's saying is that the Markets should be Regulated so that their tendency to cause massive financial harm is blunted, by things such as Glass-Steagal or to a lesser sense Dodd-Frank - but the bottom line is that the Pope, just as he was with his criticism of the obsession with anti-Gay and anti-Choice efforts - is SPOT ON Economically.
As described by the Guardian.
The pope’s screed on “the economy of exclusion and inequality” will disappoint those who considers themselves free-market capitalists, but they would do well to listen to the message. Francis gives form to the emotion and injustice of post-financial-crisis outrage in a way that has been rare since Occupy Wall Street disbanded. There has been a growing chorus of financial insiders – from the late Merrill Lynch executive Herb Allison to organizations like Better Markets – it’s time for a change in how we approach capitalism. It’s not about discarding capitalism, or hating money or profit; it’s about pursuing profits ethically, and rejecting the premise that exploitation is at the center of profit. When 53% of financial executives say they can’t get ahead without some cheating, even though they want to work for ethical organizations, there’s a real problem.
This Pope has begun to let the truth about the Worship of Money out of the bag.  Yes, it is Idolatry, and it does need to be reined in.  That is of course the last thing the Right-wing wants, because it would grant legitimacy of many progressive efforts to reduce income inequality and to improve the lot of the working class and the middle-class.
This is not what the Conservative-Right cares about. They claim to, but they don't really, and the more Pope Francis talks about it - the more it makes them squirm.
Certainly this is someting to consider as we all prepare to sit down and break bread with our Wingnut Relatives this Thanksgiving.  Yes, Progressive Values actually are Godly Values, they are following in the footsteps of he who showed us the way, progressivism is following in the truth path of Jesus of Nazareth toward charity and forgiveness. Republicans, aren't on that path.
Pope Francis is telling the truth, and the Right just can't stop themselves from listening, even if they don't want to.