
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Veterans' Re-Integration In Contemporary Society

"Why Are So Many Veterans Homeless?"


The unemployment rate for recent veterans is incredibly high. "[T]he unemployment rate for recent veterans remains incredibly high -- around 10 percent -- and remains noticeably higher than it is for non-veterans in the same demographic group...Disability rates are much higher among veterans, and that can make a difference for their job prospects. Returning veterans have plenty of traits that should make them attractive to employers: discipline, leadership, and even specific training in areas like health care or information technology. But they also typically have less civilian work experience." Brad Plumer in The Washington Post.

One in 10 veterans lacks health insurance. Obamacare could change that. "In a research brief published in May 2012, Haley and Kenney have estimated that about 1.3 million veterans currently lack health insurance coverage. That works out to a little over 10 percent of the 12.5 million veterans in the country. An additional 0.9 million adults and children in veterans' families also lack insurance coverage. Uninsured veterans differ from insured veterans, in that the former have lower levels of education and younger average ages." Sarah Kliff in The Washington Post.

Which big companies are the best at hiring veterans? "A new analysis by the online jobs clearinghouse shows some big companies are doing a lot more than others to help change that...Bright divided veteran hires by the total number of resumes submitted to each company. It used that ratio to rank nearly all of those companies -- a few didn't have enough data to analyze -- on a scale of zero to 1. The clear winner? PepsiCo. General Electric, Valero Energy, AmerisourceBergen and Caterpillar round out the top five. Bringing up the rear are Prudential, MetLife and Apple. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac don't do so hot, either." Jim Tankersley in The Washington Post.

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