
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Maher: If Palin thinks the Pope too liberal, ‘wait til she sees what Jesus has been saying’

On Real Time tonight, Bill Maher “documented” the Twitter war between Sarah Palin and Pope Francis.
Earlier this week, Palin attacked the Pope, saying “he’s had some statements that sound to me kind of liberal. He’s taken me aback.”
“Well,” Maher continued, “if she thinks Pope Francis is liberal, wait until she sees what Jesus has been saying.”
He then presented a series of tweets he claimed each had sent in the past week, beginning with one from Palin:
“Maybe spoutin’ those liberal values works over there in Vatica. But real Americans don’t want our popes palling around with atheists.”
“Dear Sister,” Maher’s Pope replied, “how about a little more silent meditation from you? #AmIRightPeople?”
After his Pope informed Palin that his birth name is “Jorge,” Maher claimed Palin replied, “Jorge? Christ, the Mexicans really ARE taking over.”
“I’m beginning to think God should’ve used a little less of Adam’s rib on you and a little more of his brains,” Maher had his Pope replied.
“Bring back Pope Benedict!” Palin demanded, to which Maher’s Pope replied, “You WOULD prefer the one who quite while in office.”
Watch the entire exchange below.

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