
Friday, November 8, 2013

How The Energy Department Is Trying To Make Solar Panels Cheaper

"For many people, living in a solar-powered home is a pipe dream. Local rebates, federal tax credits and plummeting hardware prices help, but in the end, panel installation will generally cost the average homeowner at least $20,000. This is largely due to so-called "soft costs," required to fulfill permitting and inspection obligations that can account for as much as 60 percent of total panel installation, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. An Energy Department study recently found that more than 35 percent of panel installers avoid selling in certain areas because of permitting difficulties. They're aiming to change that. On Wednesday, the Energy Department announced an investment of $12 million to make solar permitting easier for approximately 147 million people in 25 states." Emily Atkin in Think Progress


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