ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — As Charlie Crist, the newly minted Democrat and former Florida governor, sat outside his waterfront condominium here in his hometown recently, the “Go, Charlie” shout-outs never let up.
A Lincoln Town Car pulled up and Mr. Crist leaned in and shook hands, doing what he does best. “Hey bro, what’s happening?” the driver asked. “I’m good, man,” Mr. Crist replied. When a Duke Energy worker recognized Mr. Crist, the former governor gave him an earful about solar energy. “You got my vote, buddy,” the man said. “There’s our next governor right here.”
Whether Mr. Crist, a man who sprinted from Republican to independent to Democrat in three years, can wrest the governorship away from Rick Scott is anybody’s guess. But on Friday he filed his paperwork to run for governor. And on Monday, with the enthusiastic backing of most leading Democrats, Mr. Crist, 57, is expected to formally announce his intention to reclaim the governor’s office in 2014.
Mr. Crist’s announcement is all but certain to kick off one of next year’s most expensive, contentious and rancorous governor’s races, pitting betrayed Republicans out for revenge against hopeful Democrats out for redemption.
In an interview last week, Mr. Crist, who governed as a centrist from 2007 to 2011 before leaving after his unsuccessful bid for the United States Senate, said Floridians were “heartbroken” over issues like education, the environment, voter rights and Medicaidfunding.
“I know we can right the wrongs,” said Mr. Crist, with his trademark tan and easygoing style. “I know it can be done. I know it in my heart. I know Floridians want it. They are very hopeful for a bright future. And I believe it’s coming.”
But, he said, he has no doubt about the intensity of the brawl that lies ahead: Governor Scott, a Republican and a multimillionaire, is expected to counter Mr. Crist’s charm offensive by focusing on claims that he helped turn around the Florida economy and raising a record $100 million to protect his job, a sum that he will begin spending on Monday when the first attack ads are scheduled to air.
“It’s kind of a daunting task to face,” said Mr. Crist, explaining why it has taken so long to come to a decision on the race. “It’s kind of like looking at a $100 million meat grinder, face first.”
Much of that money will be spent trying to portray Mr. Crist as an opportunist, a man willing to switch parties and positions on issues to suit his political ambition. Mr. Crist, as governor, fled the Republican Party in 2010 to become an independent after it was clear he would not win the Senate primary against Marco Rubio. Last year, he became a Democrat.
The Republican Party of Florida did not wait for Mr. Crist to join the fray. It began its assault weeks ago, highlighting his shift over the years on issues like gay rights and Obamacare. To that end, it opened up a Tumblr account and a Twitter feed titled “This day in Crist-ory.”
“Charlie had more positions than a gymnast,” said Rick Wilson, a Republican political consultant who once worked for Mr. Crist. “He will tell Democrats what they need to hear, and he will tell Republicans what they need to hear.”
But, Mr. Wilson added, Mr. Crist has “peerless skills in the actual game of politics,” which makes him a formidable candidate.
The campaign, one in which former foes are now friends and former friends are now flamethrowers, promises to be anything but dull. It comes ready-made with a history of slights and grievances on both sides toward both candidates.
And it undoubtedly will offer up a vivid contrast in personalities: one man a centrist and inveterate crowd-pleaser who sidesteps dogma; the other a Tea Party conservative, a shy executive who prefers to steer clear of prying eyes and cameras.
Mr. Crist also will face an already-declared candidate, Nan Rich, a former State Senate Democratic leader who reminds voters at every turn that she is a “lifelong Democrat.” But, after months of campaigning, Ms. Rich’s candidacy has not gained much traction.
For most Florida Democrats, any misgivings they may have had about Mr. Crist evaporated in a burst of pragmatism. Once Mr. Crist joined the party, he quickly became the most viable candidate to take on Mr. Scott and the conservative wing.
Recent polling has shown Mr. Crist consistently ahead of Mr. Scott in a head-to-head race. Mr. Scott has struggled with low approval ratings throughout his tenure.
In many ways, Mr. Crist is well-situated for a run. Although he was a Republican who once characterized himself as conservative, as governor he kept mostly to the center, which is where Florida sits on the political spectrum. He worked with Democrats on a variety of issues and, in a state with a growing number of independents (28 percent), he eschews ideology and embraces populism. A number of moderate Republicans also support him.
“Floridians really liked him because Crist is instinctively not a partisan official,” said Dan Gelber, a former State House Democratic leader when Mr. Crist was governor. “He was a fiscally pragmatic, socially moderate Republican, and that person is no longer welcome in the Republican Party.”
Regarding his floating stance on certain issues, Mr. Crist said he did not consider changing his mind a foible. It shows a willingness to listen and, if needed, to compromise, he said.
“I don’t think we need close-minded leaders,” he said, adding, “Judge me by my deeds.”
As governor, Mr. Crist did much that satisfied Democrats. He expanded early voting in 2008 when lines grew too long, and lifted the voting ban on nonviolent ex-felons. He is against abortion but has not pushed an agenda; in 2010, he vetoed a bill that required ultrasounds for women seeking abortions. He supports gun rights but recently spoke in favor of background checks and banning 30-round ammunition clips. He will also promote his environmental record, including his investments in replenishing the Everglades.
On gay rights, Mr. Crist said he followed the lead of President Obama — a man he once hugged in 2009 and paid a dear political price for it — in deciding he has “no right to tell people who to love or marry.”
Still, some Democrats remain skeptical.
“I just think he is an opportunist, and I think the only reason he switched to being a Democrat was that he was not right-wing enough to be a successful Republican these days,” said Linda Rosenthal, the president of a Palm Beach County Democratic club and a Nan Rich supporter.
Would she support Mr. Crist if he won the primary? “100 percent,” Ms. Rosenthal said.
Back in front of his condo, Mr. Crist exchanged more greetings and then a business card with a Republican friend who suddenly remembered, “I still have your old card, the card when you were a governor.”
“Is that right?” Mr. Crist said, amused. “Save it.