
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Why Republicans Cannot Proclaim Their Successes

Now that Super-Storm Sandy is over, Christie has renounced all vestige of huggy-huggy, smoochie-smoochie and is back to his bilious self, railing against the guy who got him out of a jam. 

When you belong to The Party of Stupid, you play dumb. 
(Historical Note: Republican Governor Bobby Jindal coined the phrase "stupid party." Said Jindal: "I'm serious! It's time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults" rather than a party that "provides 30 second ideas."


Alan: Republicans cannot declare their own victories because if they do, they would have to admit that Obama is a Rockefeller Republican - ready, willing and able to compromise.  Who are the pig heads?

"Politics and Economics: The 101 Courses You Wish You Had"

The Republicans already won on the CR — in one graph

One thing that's gotten lost in the debate over the shutdown is how much Democrats have already conceded to Republicans on spending. This is partly the consequence of the direct spending cuts in the 2011 debt-ceiling deal and partly the consequence of sequestration (which was, of course, also part of the 2011 deal). Still, the bottom line is that Republicans have been so successful at making Obamacare concessions the issue that Democratic concessions on spending have gone almost unnoticed.
Dylan Matthews
Dylan Matthews covers taxes, poverty, campaign finance, higher education, and all things data. He has also written for The New Republic, Salon, Slate, and The American Prospect. Follow him on Twitter here. Email him here.

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