
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Obama's Benghazi and Reagan's Beirut. (Re-Posted On The 30th Anniversary Of Beirut)

"13 Benghazis Occurred On Bush's Watch. Not A Peep From Fox News"


Due to the "political correctness" of both parties, the "whole truth" concerning recent Libyan events - and their proper contextualization - has not been told nor will be told in tonight's final presidential debate.

What follows is the unexpurgated truth which American conservatives would have us believe is "their heart's desire."

United States Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, was an exemplary foreign service leader.

It is gut-wrenchingly tragic that he (and three of his fellows) were killed by Islamic terrorists in September, 2012.

It is equally tragic that the GOP - ever eager to capitalize by inflaming fear - has chosen, in the absence of any real issue, to pump Libya as prima facie evidence of President Obama's "foreign policy failure."

Consider this. 

In 1983, when Islamic terrorists killed 241 American GI's in Lebanon, President Ronald Reagan reacted to the attack by putting his tail between his legs; then cutting and running.

Unabashedly, he fled the scene of the crime.

Unlike President Obama who continues to build good relationship with Libya, and who - as evidenced by his pit bull pursuit of Osama bin Laden - has exhibited unwavering resolve to track down and bring to justice the Libyan terrorists responsible for last month's murders, President Reagan never uttered a word about tracking down Lebanese terrorists nor did he express any intention to bring them to justice. (Perhaps the Reagan administration was too busy dealing arms to Iran... 

Here is straightforward documentation of Ronald Reagan's cowardice.

(An aside... Would Ronald Reagan be allowed in today's Republican Party? I think not. Here's why. 

If you are politically conservative and do not share this information with other conservatives, please ask yourselves why.

If you are conservative and have documents you would like me to circulate to everyone on my email list (also posting them to my blog), please send them my way and I will see to their prompt publication.

If my hunch is right -- which is to say, if I know the contemporary "conservative" psyche as well as I think I do -- I anticipate no reply.

In any event, "before you remove the speck of sawdust from someone else's eye, remove the plank from your own." 

Pax on both houses,


PS "The Stupidest Moment In Presidential Debate History. Quick! Guess! Which Party?"

PPS Utah's largest daily newspaper, The Salt Lake City Tribune, has endorsed President Obama for re-election. "Too Many Mitts" is a masterpiece of measured political writing.

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