If you cannot see the graph at the bottom of this post, please visit http://www.thehappymd.com/blog/bid/290405/Cost-of-Healthcare-and-Average-Life-Expectancy-World-Averages-show-USA-a-MASSIVE-Outlier-InfoGraphic
In the following graph, please note that, per capita, the United States pays two and a half times as much on healthcare ($7,290.00) as the average expenditure of all countries in the developed world ($2986.00).
Despite this spendthrift investment, Americans have lower longevity than five countries which invest less than the average amount of $2986.00 per person.
Compared with its first (and second) world peers, the United States healthcare "system" produces relatively shoddy outcomes at astronomically high expense.
When I first examined the following chart, it took me a while to believe my eyes.
Surely, we coudn't be that stupid - that ineffective - that counterproductive.
Then Trump's election set me straight: we are that stupid, ineffective and counterproductive.
A number of commentators - including conservative luminary George Will - have noted that Trump's America is indistinguishable from a Banana Republic.
Less frequently mentioned is that Trump's political and cultural void is a plutocratic decoy that prevents us from seeing China replacing the United States as planetary Top Dog.
First, the Soviet Union collapsed without a shot being fired.
Now the United States quietly surrenders global hegemony while Trump's minions remained convinced that bluster, bombast and bigotry "is making America great again" even as The Donald morphs the "US of A" into one of his "shithole countries."
Barring an abrupt turnaround, historians will look back on these times with the same bewilderment that accompanies the growing realization that Iran won The Iraq War, and that Bush's "Mission Accomplished" marked the linchpin destabilization of The Middle East, and, by extension, The World.
In the following graph, please note that, per capita, the United States pays two and a half times as much on healthcare ($7,290.00) as the average expenditure of all countries in the developed world ($2986.00).
Despite this spendthrift investment, Americans have lower longevity than five countries which invest less than the average amount of $2986.00 per person.
Compared with its first (and second) world peers, the United States healthcare "system" produces relatively shoddy outcomes at astronomically high expense.
When I first examined the following chart, it took me a while to believe my eyes.
Surely, we coudn't be that stupid - that ineffective - that counterproductive.
Then Trump's election set me straight: we are that stupid, ineffective and counterproductive.
A number of commentators - including conservative luminary George Will - have noted that Trump's America is indistinguishable from a Banana Republic.
Less frequently mentioned is that Trump's political and cultural void is a plutocratic decoy that prevents us from seeing China replacing the United States as planetary Top Dog.
First, the Soviet Union collapsed without a shot being fired.
Now the United States quietly surrenders global hegemony while Trump's minions remained convinced that bluster, bombast and bigotry "is making America great again" even as The Donald morphs the "US of A" into one of his "shithole countries."
Barring an abrupt turnaround, historians will look back on these times with the same bewilderment that accompanies the growing realization that Iran won The Iraq War, and that Bush's "Mission Accomplished" marked the linchpin destabilization of The Middle East, and, by extension, The World.

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