Alan: Although the United States of Barbaria only exists behind a thin-and-dwindling veneer of civilization -- and although I suspect that a quarter (perhaps even a third) of Americans would take eager advantage of a Civil War as opportunity to endorse the killing of black people even more indiscriminately than we already do, it is also true that Martin Luther King Jr. and his religiously committed non-violent supporters were largely responsible for reforming the entire System so that hundreds of thousands of public officials like Keisha Bottoms and Barack Obama could - and can - contribute mightily to The Common Good and The General Welfare.
At the other end of a Spectrum that reveals itself, every single day, to be more hideous than tens of millions of good people ever thought possible -- Trump's "letting the dogs out" (and make no mistake, the dogs were there all along, waiting to be let out) makes clear the real possibility that the nation could collapse into total chaos.

Something like a new Dark Age is no longer unthinkable.
If anything like these suddenly real possibilities manifests, do not expect to see Keisha Bottoms or Barack Obama in any of the positions opened up by Martin Luther King and other people of conscience.
Video Interview With Atlanta's Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, An Impressive Woman
And when Keisha, Barack and Martin "go" - when, very easily, they might "disappear" from honored public space - do not make ANY assumptions about "where" Malignant Messiah's racism, fascism and Memory Hole might re-assign them.
Memory is porous.
Memory is short.
Without all the real gains - many of them minutely incremental - gains made by all kinds of people, including my Dad who helped terminate the discriminatory banking practice called "redlining," the number of successful black people (outside the entertainment industry) would still be infinitesimal, even as it was at the beginning my own lifetime.
In "The Here And Now" White Privilege Is Often Invisible. But It Is Fully Visible In "Redlining"
My Dad's Experience

Reprise: Must-See Mash-Up Of Trump's Racism
A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism
A Comprehensive Review Of Trump's Racism
The Merger Of Stupidity And Racism Merge In This GIF Is Jawdropping - And Typical
Why White People Think They Are The Real Victims Of Racism
"The Republican Party's Bone Deep Racism"
Trump's Racism And The GOP's Long History Of Dirty Tricks Intend To Harm Black People
"Donald Trump’s Long History Of Racism, From The 1970s To 2019," Vox
Stephen Colbert's Monologue About Trump's Racism Is His Best Work Ever
Pope Francis Warns Against Nationalism, Says Recent Speeches Sound Like "Hitler In 1934"

Ronald Reagan Phoned Dick Nixon To Make This Comment About Black People: "Damn Those Monkeys. They're Still Uncomfortable Wearing Shoes." Reagan's Daughter Patti Davis Weighs In
Lifelong Republican Ana Navarro: "Trump. Is. A. Racist."
A Remarkable Piece Of Writing About Trump's "Alleged" Racism
Compendium Of Best Pax Posts About Racism, White Supremacy And Voter Suppression
http://paxonbothhouses.blogspot.com/2017/10/compendium-of-best-pax-posts-about.htmlDer Spiegel Trump Cover: Was Trump's Father Arrested At A KKK Rally?
Facebook Dialogue With Christian Fundamentalist Friend About Trump's Affiliation With The Klan
"It's Time To Give Up On Mueller: Racism Is The Most Glaring Reason To Impeach Trump"
Even The Big Wigs At Fox News Know Trump's A Racist
(Chis Wallace Reads The Riot Act To Trump Advisor Stephen Miller)
Lindsey Graham's Stunningly Shameless Reversal On Donald Trump
Facebook Exchange With Xtian Fundie Friend Who Insists That The Democratic Party Is The Epicenter Of Racism In Today's America

"The Deadly Oppression Of Black People: Best Pax Posts"