
Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Discussion On My Facebook Page About Trump, Truth And Conservative Christian Evasion

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President Donald Trump on Monday suggested the US should form a state-run, global news network to counter CNN's "unfair" coverage.
  • KK: That's really not true. Just more propaganda from the same main stream media reporters who've been promoting lies for so long that the American people can't discern for themselves the difference between truth and "fake news" .. most of us as kids realized the difference. Unfortunately most in our own time have been "hoodwinked"

  • JH: Is there anything he does not want to control?
  • KK: If there's any "state run news" it already exists. The MSM is all totally run by the Democratic party which is why the only criticism you will see or hear from most of them has to do with Trump and Republicans. What would be wonderful is if true journalists like Paul Harvey and Walter Cronkite will emerge from the ruins of a dead if not dying media who are so focused on promoting the propaganda out of their own political agenda they are completely blind and deaf to the millions who disagree with them. Just report the whole story and tell the truth instead of making up lies and expecting the rest of us to swallow the poisoned water. TRUTH matters ! Without TRUTH there can be NO JUSTICE for any of us.

Alan Archibald: You are dodging the issue.

Trump's promotion of a "national news network" is not, as you claim, "just more propaganda."

It is a fact.

Furthermore, in terms of the discussion you began, it is a Foundational Fact.

It is also a fact that Trump is the most mendacious president in U.S. history - and by a wide measure.

No one comes close.

The "man" lies more easily than he metabolizes.

He could put on a clinic for Satan.

Trump is a solipsist-narcisist who will say ANY goddamn thing to procure praise that bolsters his fragile, vengeful ego and feeds his pathological need for approval/validation.

But even more central to our discussion is St. Paul's observation that "the love of money is the root of all evil."

"The root of all evil" is not abortion, or baby-killing, or any other conservative red-button issue.

"The root of all evil is the love of money."

St. Paul The Apostle Comments On Trump's Greed

Note well:

We cheat every time we turn to another topic whenever someone else's position is demonstrated to be true, and our own position is proven factually false.

Trump, Trumpistas -- and the vanishingly few white, conservative Christians who are not Trumpistas -- change their positions ALL the time.

"Changing the topic" --- and changing it by resorting to "alternative facts" "fake news" "conspiracy theories" and faith-based assumptions --- is Christian conservatism's daily bread, the intrinsically false foundation on which their whole House of Cards is built.

I challenge you to circulate my post to everyone on your email list.

And if not, why not?

I encourage you to read up on the role of Confirmation Bias.

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