in 2003, when Adrian Brody won the Oscar for Best Actor, he leapt onto the stage, and grabbed a hold of Halle Berry just like this -- He swept her off her feet, as we used to say.
He would never get away with this today.
Or is it okay if you're a really good-looking actor and you just won the Oscar?
So you make an exception for Adrian Brody, but a lot of guys look in the mirror and see themselves as Adrian Brody and then imagine the woman sitting at the desk next to them is Halle Berry, so she wouldn't mind if he got up and "swept her off her feet."
Apparently she does mind. So I guess we can't watch movies like this anymore. So many good movies will need to be edited to meet current standards.
I remember seeing this Oscar kiss in 2003. This photo made the front page of every newspaper on the planet.
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