Sister Janet, friend Byron and I just concluded a 90 minute conversation about Pussy Grabber.
We all agreed that "calling Trump names" will not do any good (except to blow off pressure) and that The Body Politic would wisely remain compassionate (from the Latin words meaning "suffering together") while our "fellow Americans" -- deceived by their aggressive ignorance -- watch their plutocratic "savior" crash and burn.
To paraphrase Byron: 'Conservatives will know Donald by his results, so let's not muddy that clear water with visceral passion aroused by counterproductive epithet.'
To paraphrase Byron: 'Conservatives will know Donald by his results, so let's not muddy that clear water with visceral passion aroused by counterproductive epithet.'
In the meantime, I remind Trumpsters of my standing offer to wager "even money" that, by 2020, the billionaire's boosters will be horrified at what Trump has wrought.
Here is the metric for Trump's failure: In a thousand days most Americans will see themselves as "worse off than they are now."
"Aftermath November 2016"
A monologue by Tess Rafferty

Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump
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