America's Reich Wing
(Not Surprisingly, Jesus Is Smack Dab In The Middle Of Ted Nugent's Head)
(Not Surprisingly, Jesus Is Smack Dab In The Middle Of Ted Nugent's Head)
Yes, "toxic cunt" fact checks.
Alan: Ted Nugent was Pussy Grabber's featured guest at his last campaign rally.
If this year's presidential campaign-and-election proves one incontrovertible thing, it's that American Christians can -- and will -- rationalize and justify ANY thing.
Any god-damn thing.
I consider myself a Christian.
But if "conservative" Christianity collapses as resoundingly as "Vagina Is Expensive" Trump will collapse over the next four years, then Great Good will come of Donald's election. http://www.mediaite.com/online/donald-trump-pretty-much-admitted-he-told-howard-stern-vagina-is-expensive/
Thanks be to God!

Alan: Ted Nugent was Pussy Grabber's featured guest at his last campaign rally.
If this year's presidential campaign-and-election proves one incontrovertible thing, it's that American Christians can -- and will -- rationalize and justify ANY thing.
Any god-damn thing.
Any god-damn thing.
I consider myself a Christian.
But if "conservative" Christianity collapses as resoundingly as "Vagina Is Expensive" Trump will collapse over the next four years, then Great Good will come of Donald's election. http://www.mediaite.com/online/donald-trump-pretty-much-admitted-he-told-howard-stern-vagina-is-expensive/
But if "conservative" Christianity collapses as resoundingly as "Vagina Is Expensive" Trump will collapse over the next four years, then Great Good will come of Donald's election. http://www.mediaite.com/online/donald-trump-pretty-much-admitted-he-told-howard-stern-vagina-is-expensive/
Thanks be to God!
This Is America's "Christian" Candidate. Take A Good Look. Call The Kids!
Alan: You cannot tell this stuff to conservatives. And if you did, they would not listen. They are too busy creating, propagating and believing "fake news" to have any time left over for real news and the existential threat it presents. I know "Christians" who voted for Trump who will refuse to read this post because they consider it immoral. The next time you pray to your God, set aside your bible and contemplate this deliberate denial-ignorance-falsehood.
Just once.
I only ask you to do it once.
Alan: Every one of these guys is a right-winger.
You can take it to the bank!
If such self-evident viciousness were true for any deplorable group's relationship with American liberalism, "conservatives" would be swarming over them like flies on s___.
Alan: You cannot tell this stuff to conservatives. And if you did, they would not listen. They are too busy creating, propagating and believing "fake news" to have any time left over for real news and the existential threat it presents. I know "Christians" who voted for Trump who will refuse to read this post because they consider it immoral. The next time you pray to your God, set aside your bible and contemplate this deliberate denial-ignorance-falsehood.
Just once.
I only ask you to do it once.

Alan: Every one of these guys is a right-winger.
You can take it to the bank!
If such self-evident viciousness were true for any deplorable group's relationship with American liberalism, "conservatives" would be swarming over them like flies on s___.
Yeshua Excoriates Fellow Pharisees: "The Woe Passages"
"Twelve Steps For The Recovering Pharisee (Like Me)" By John Fischer
"Do You Know What You're Doing To Me?"
Jesus of Nazareth
"Love Your Enemies. Do Good To Those Who Hate You," Luke 6: 27-42
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"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
"Are Republicans Insane?" Best Pax Posts
"There Are Two Ways Of Lying..." Denis De Rougemont And Donald Trump
What Too Many Christians Get Wrong
After a court order to turn over emails regarding his fraud trail trump destroyed them and ignored the court order then just paid everyone off $25 million, which is an admission of being guilty of fraud. Pence is fighting to not have to turn his emails over too. So in essence, the reich wing destroyed Hillary with the help of the FBI for doing exactly what they do with zero consequences. Republicans: hypocrisy is your name.
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