Compendium Of Pax Posts About Donald Trump, Updated June 3, 2016
Alan: Contrary to popular delusion, Trump does not speak Truth.
Rather, he is rabidly determined to conceal truth, to cordon it off with "confidentiality agreements" so that only he knows what's going on.
And he's not talking.
Trump's campaign is a reality TV show - with as little reality as possible and not a whisper about his tax returns.
Devious Donald's candidacy has made clear -- forevermore -- that most conservative Americans want to be lied to.
They want to be deceived.
They want to be wrapped in a feel-good cocoon of platitudes, anodynes and reasons-to-rage, mostly against people-of-color but also against The Wealthy Establishment in whose bowels Trump has long been embedded.
Trump's quest for The Oval Office is an interactive exercise in narcissism and megalomania, a quest whose purpose is to ratify der fuhrer as focal point and axis of The Plutocratic Power Structure.
If you believe any other narrative, Donald has taken you for the fool you are - and is laughing "all the way to the bank."
Trump And Ex-Staffer Go To War Over Alleged Affair
The Donald Claims Nunberg Broke Confidentiality To Dish On An Alleged Tryst Between Corey Lewandowski And Hope Hicks
Excerpt: "Trump is infamously litigious... As The Daily Beast documented last year, the real-estate mogul has sued or threatened to sue news outlets, from Univision toThe New York Times; businesses, from a Georgia-based business card store to casinos and TV broadcasters; places like New York City, the town of Palm Beach, and Scotland; and individual people, from his ex-wife Ivana Trump to his own hairdresser to rapper Mac Miller."
Trump Is Famous For "Telling The Truth" But Legally Binds Wives/Employees To Total Secrecy


Trump Is Famous For "Telling The Truth" But Legally Binds Wives/Employees To Total Secrecy
Compendium Of Pax Posts About Trump "University" Scam


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