The Randian beliefs of Tom Perkins are being put into practice by right-wing politicians like Paul Ryan. Their ideology represents the real face of the Republican party. We see it when Ryantalks about the "dignity of work," or how he's worried that if the safety net is too strong it becomes a "hammock that lulls able-bodied people to lives of dependency and complacency, that drains them of their will and their incentive to make the most of their lives." Because, remember, people who receive government assistance are just lazy nappers living high on the hog. People on food stamps have no incentive to work because they've got it so easy. But don't forget that Paul Ryan really does care about poor people. Heck, he'll even wash already clean dishes to show potential Republican voters just how much.
Let's cut to the chase. From Tom Perkins to the tea party to Rush Limbaugh to Paul Ryan, the Right truly believes that the wealthy are better than everyone else. More worthy than everyone else. There is even a religious component to it, the so-called "prosperity gospel," according to which wealth is the way God rewards his favored, those whom he most loves. The prosperity gospel too is directly connected to Republican politics. Thus, it is only logical that the moral superiority of the extremely wealthy should entitle them to a greater say in government. Never mind that Jesus said in Matthew 19:24: "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
The elitism of the right wing—personified by Tom Perkins and his "system"—makes me sick. More than that, it makes me angry, and anger is a powerful motivator. We have to understand what progressivism is up against. Our belief in the fundamental equality of all people is not shared by our opponents. Our belief that all Americans should have equal rights and an equal voice in our democracy is not shared by our opponents.
We must make sure that the American people understand just what our opponents believe. We must expose them for what they really are.