
Saturday, November 24, 2018

Quora Discussion Of Trump Family Legal Jeopardy If Mueller Probe Is Shut Down

Nelson McKeeby
Nelson McKeeby, Film and Television Development Director at La Habra, California (2013-present)
Good prosecutors, faced with illegal political interference, prepare documents they call laterals. A lateral will pass information to state and local prosecutors who are clear of the political interference. Mueller has already done this once. There is evidence, although slim because Mueller is tight lipped, that most of the Trump family faces indictments in the State of New York. The President’s daughter is implicated along with her husband in illegal campaign finance, bribery, and insider trading issues. The two Trump sons are facing a raft of possible charges. Current legal trackers are following between one and three hundred Trump campaign staffers, Trump business people, media personalities, and others who have public exposure at the state level simply from undisciplined statements to the press.
If Mueller is shut down, you have a strong case for impeachment.
Nelson McKeeby
Nelson McKeeby, Film and Television Development Director at La Habra, California (2013-present)
Good prosecutors, faced with illegal political interference, prepare documents they call laterals. A lateral will pass information to state and local prosecutors who are clear of the political interference. Mueller has already done this once. There is evidence, although slim because Mueller is tight lipped, that most of the Trump family faces indictments in the State of New York. The President’s daughter is implicated along with her husband in illegal campaign finance, bribery, and insider trading issues. The two Trump sons are facing a raft of possible charges. Current legal trackers are following between one and three hundred Trump campaign staffers, Trump business people, media personalities, and others who have public exposure at the state level simply from undisciplined statements to the press.
If Mueller is shut down, you have a strong case for impeachment. A legal scholar at Dartmouth said at a lunch in Manchester in a quip that right now even the discovery that Trump was a serial pedophile who sold the babies of US military service people to Russia would not move the US Senate to vote against him. So impeachment may be a pipe dream. State prosecution however is a distinct possibility.
The main issue with state prosecution is still the Supreme Court. Judicial watchers have noted that with the last two appointments the USSC is on the verge of becoming political. Only Roberts has held it to some sense of law. One more appointment and the constitution is in fact nullified because the USSC becomes a partisan chamber which will always vote by party line. And that would be end game.
. So impeachment may be a pipe dream. State prosecution however is a distinct possibility.
The main issue with state prosecution is still the Supreme Court. Judicial watchers have noted that with the last two appointments the USSC is on the verge of becoming political. Only Roberts has held it to some sense of law. One more appointment and the constitution is in fact nullified because the USSC becomes a partisan chamber which will always vote by party line. And that would be end game.

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