
Monday, October 22, 2018

Frog Hospital's Fred Owens And Pax On Both Houses Discuss "Having Kids"

Image result for pax on both houses, daniel archibald
FROG HOSPITAL -- Oct. 20, 2018


By Fred Owens

Trump is unstoppable. He is flying around the country and banging on his war drum. I am disturbed and pessimistic and it feels like there is nothing I can do about it except mourn for the future.
But wait. There is an answer. I can go to Hawaii. In fact, we are going to Hawaii, on Tuesday, to the Big Island, for ten days. Enough of this election gloom that I have been generating. Instead I will be lying on the warm sand and soaking up the ultimate energy of sublime relaxation. That is how we win in the finally analysis.
Did you know that Hawaii is part of the United States and that babies born in Hawaii are American citizens? Barack Obama himself was born in this tropical paradise and he is an American citizen and he was a darn good President too...... But I see the point about Hawaii not being so American -- because it doesn't look at all like Kansas. I have been to Kansas and it looks very different than Hawaii. I lived in Kansas for two months in 1976 and I should tell you about that sojourn some day.
But if you have a big heart and a big mind, you can imagine Kansas and Hawaii both being part of our grand and glorious country. Each place special. Each place a home and way to make a living and do good things.
Yes, we are going to Hawaii, and it is we who are unstoppable.
Elizabeth Warren for President in 2020. I'm starting to like Warren, but she needs a nickname. Not Elizabeth, not Liz, not Betty. Certainly not Pocahontas. But I am beginning to warm up to her since the DNA fiasco. Her effort to prove her native American lineage didn't fly right, but I liked seeing her vulnerability. She made a mistake in doing this and good for her. She will make a good president and she will make a lot of mistakes.

Trump never makes mistakes. He is always right and never wrong. That's scary. Warren is more like the rest of us. Normal.
Warren, if elected, will be the first Okie in the White House. Almost everybody from Oklahoma is part some-teenth Native. Go to Oklahoma, and you can almost feel it, that Native air. Warren is one of those Oklahoma people and it's a good thing. I call them Not Quite White..... and unstoppable.
Raising Children. This is a complete change of topic. Raising children is an important responsibility. I raised two children and it was the most important thing I have ever done. Every morning when I woke up, I knew what my priority was -- to take care of those two kids. Nothing else mattered very much. You do the mom and dad thing until you are finished or until you drop dead, but you never stop doing it until they grow up.

And they do grow up and move out and that breaks your heart. I remember when my youngest went off to college in 1996. It was fun for about two weeks, but then I began to miss them and I had this emptiness all around me. What was I supposed to do? Work? Have fun? I was lost without those kids to look after.... Well, a lot of people go through that.... which is why we have grandchildren, to get some of that feeling back, of being a part of something very important, which is raising those little children. They need us and they keep growing and they are unstoppable.
Fred Owens
cell: 360-739-0214
My gardening blog is Fred Owens
My writing blog is Frog Hospital

Alan: Your view of kids-and-childraising coincides with my own.

"I raised two children and it was the most important thing I have ever done. Every morning when I woke up, I knew what my priority was -- to take care of those two kids. Nothing else mattered very much."

Raising kids is both a "crystallization point" for meditative immersion - and a distraction from all the crap that assails us "empty nesters."

My final child was born when I was 50 and I made a conscious decision to have no more.

We are only alotted "three score and ten" and it "felt" like an obligation to "be around" until my kids were out of their teens.

Had I started earlier though, "I" would have kept on having them.

Children are the best "thing" in the known universe, and I suspect the "purpose" of human life is to keep child-spirit alive and embodied.

As fixated as this aging horndog can be, the actual act of reproduction is waaayyyyyy over-rated.

"The play's the thing."

Child's play.

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