Dear F,
Thanks for your email.
It would be sweet (albeit questionably legal) if Mueller published his report about a month before Election Day, 2020, thus prompting Trump's resignation when there's no longer time for the GOP and Pence to recover.
It would be the final nail in the coffin for the ghoulish corpse that currently passes for The Republican Party.
What's left of the party is a hodge-podge of conspiracy thinking and alternative fact indulgence.
As I've said before: If we could link a turbine to Aquinas' body spinning in its grave, earth's energy needs would be supplied in perpetuity.
"Thomas Aquinas On American Conservatives' Continual Commission Of Sin"
In any event, let's hope that Trump neither resigns nor is impeached before next year's mid-terms so that the 2018 election becomes a tsunami of revulsion against The Deplorable One.
It would be sweet (albeit questionably legal) if Mueller published his report about a month before Election Day, 2020, thus prompting Trump's resignation when there's no longer time for the GOP and Pence to recover.
It would be the final nail in the coffin for the ghoulish corpse that currently passes for The Republican Party.
What's left of the party is a hodge-podge of conspiracy thinking and alternative fact indulgence.
As I've said before: If we could link a turbine to Aquinas' body spinning in its grave, earth's energy needs would be supplied in perpetuity.
"Thomas Aquinas On American Conservatives' Continual Commission Of Sin"
In any event, let's hope that Trump neither resigns nor is impeached before next year's mid-terms so that the 2018 election becomes a tsunami of revulsion against The Deplorable One.
Trump Is Just 6 Senate Votes From Impeachment And The Tide Is Turning Ever More Forcefully
Below I have pasted pertinent links and memes.
Donald Trump Has His Finger On The Nuclear Button. Maybe We Should Do Something About That.
"60 Minutes": The New Cold War. Who Has The Temperament To Be Next Commander-In-Chief?
Donald Trump Asked An Adviser 3 Times Why U.S. Can’t Use Its Nukes, Says Joe Scarborough
Conservative Christianity, Armageddon As Sell-Fulfilling Prophecy, And Return To The Neolithic
White Christian Despair
And Armageddon As A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
And Armageddon As A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Watch This 22 Minute Documentary Of Events In Charlottesville By An HBO Reporter And Her Videographer
White Supremacist Who Boasted About Being "Ready For Violence" Breaks Down In Tears
Heather Heyer Memorial: Killing "Just Magnified Her," Mother Says
Dedicatory Speech At The Unveiling Of Confederate Monument, UNC-CH, June 2, 1913
Trump's Comment On Hitler's Mistress, Eva Braun
"Why The Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews," The Atlantic
If People Wish To Display Confederate Symbols On Private Property, Fine
Watch Trump Boast His Honesty While Trying To Spread Equal Blame For Charlottesville Violence
Compendium Of Best "Pax" Posts About Devious Donald, "The Deplorable One"
Best Trump Memes From "Pax On Both Houses"
"What If A President Loses Control?"
My Letter To A Retired Air Force General Friend
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 11:07 PM, FV wrote:
Dear A
I've been wondering when we'd hear from Bill Moyers. He's on O'Donnell's show right now. A noteable quote "instead of a soul Trump has an open sore."On Moyers' website billmoyers.com is a Trump- Russia timeline put together by Steven Harper, a retired litigator now a professsor at Norhwestern, and Moyers team.Lawrence just mentioned Tony Schwartz who ghost-wrote "The Art of the Deal." Schwartz predicts Trump will resign before Mueller finishes his investigation.If you remember when Trump was a candidate Schwartz said The Deplorable One was a pathological liar who must be stopped. He also believes Trump capable of launching a nuclear weapon against N. Korea if things get too hot for Devious Donald.Lawrence also spoke with Al Gore. When asked what advice he would give to Trump. Gore said "Resign."Hopefully Bob Corker's statement today along with Lindsey Graham's are just the beginning of a loud, brave Republican voice.LoveF
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