
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Why Europe Actually Progresses Whereas The United States Stays Stuck In "Divine Desperation"

Image result for seven facts that prove the netherlands is the country of the future
Seven Facts Prove The Netherlands Is The Country Of The Future

Alan: In the United States, ever hostile to the intellect and spellbound by the "magical thinking" of conservative Christianity, we no longer believe in "progress.

Instead we have fallen prey to what I call "Divine Desperation" 

Dear P,

I hope you and your loved ones are well.

As a student of comparative religion, my growing conviction is that "Christian" "conservatives" have been overcome by a condition I call "Divine Desperation" and --- increasingly convinced that human agency can do nothing to "save" humanity --- they are becoming (in ever larger numbers.... and whether they are conscious of it or not) "Armageddon Cheerleaders." 

In their heart of hearts, Christian conservatives want Jesus to come back and "save them" (in large part from themselves) even though "the parousia prophecy" (as interpreted by fundamentalists and many evangelicals) requires an eschatological conflagration to "cleanse the face of the earth."

"Faith, Hope, Charity And Divine Desperation"

White Christian Despair And Armageddon As A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
"Divine Desperation: Feelings Of Hopelessness Make Peopel Stop Doing What They Can"

"The Danger Of Science Denial"
TED Talk by Michael Specter
A Meanspirited But Accurate Attack On Creationists - And The Larger Meaning Of Science Denial

Red State Residents Egregiously More Irresponsible Than Blue State Peers
U.S. Life Expectancy Declines For The First Time Since 1993

Paz con ustedes,


PS The unadverted elephant in the room is that the torch of hegemony is "never" passed from one hegemon to another without a knock-down, drag-out fight. Lamentably, it is hard to imagine such an existential battle not "going nuclear." A possible way around this crisis would be for The Americas to create a hemispheric union, then integrate the HU with the EU, thus creating a "block" populous enough -- and therefore "strong" enough -- to counterbalance the demographic-commerical power of juggernaut China. But don't hold your breath. White Nationalism would much prefer an End-Time Showdown between "their God" and "your God" to creating a political union with "Darkies."

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