
Sunday, July 31, 2016

ISIS Joins Donald Trump In Dishonoring Humayun Khan’s Sacrifice

"What did I do?"

Despicable Donald Impugns Father And Mother Of U.S. Muslim War Hero Killed In Iraq 

ISIS Joins Donald Trump in Dishonoring Humayun Khan’s Sacrifice

The Republican nominee continued his war on the parents of a U.S. Army captain while the Islamic State called the Muslim war hero an apostate--and attacked Hillary Clinton.
ISIS joined Donald Trump on Sunday in dishonoring the sacrifice of U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan.
The newest issue of the so-called Islamic State’s propaganda magazine Dabiq said theMuslim war hero died as an “apostate” when he was killed by a car bomb in Iraq in 2004 after ordering soldiers under his command to stand back as he moved foward to investigate the vehicle.
Khan was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. ISIS published a picture of his headstone and captioned it, “Beware of dying as an apostate.”
The terrorist group calls all Muslims who don’t adhere to its narrow ideology apostates and reserves particular ire for those who live and participate in Western democracies. 
Like ISIS, Trump made the issue Islam instead of Khan.
And on the same day that ISIS smeared his name, Trump excoriated Khan’s parents, whoaddressed their son’s sacrifice and Trump’s anti-Muslim racism at the Democratic National Convention. 
“If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America,” Khizr Khan, the soldier's father, said. “He vows to build walls, and ban us from this country.” 
Trump first responded in a statement where he said the Khans had “no right” to criticize him.

"Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe,” he said. “While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr. Khan, who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, which is false, and say many other inaccurate things."
Khizr Khan immediately struck back, calling the statement “faked empathy” that is “typical for a person without a soul.
Not content with insulting the father of a slain soldier, Trump bashed Capt. Khan’s mother (who last spoke to him on Mother’s Day 2004), intimating that she was barred from speaking by her husband at the DNC because she is Muslim. 
“She had nothing to say. She probably -- maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say,” Trump told George Stephanopolous in an interview airing Sunday. (The Republican nominee added that Khizr Khan was “very emotional” but a “nice guy.”)
Ghazala Khan responded directly to Trump in a Washington Post op-ed on Sunday, saying he is “ignorant” about Islam and “doesn’t know what the word sacrifice means.”
Trump belittled that claim when Khizr Khan made it at the DNC.

“Did Hillary's script writer write it?” Trump asked in the Stephanopolous interview, which taped on Friday. 
In fact, Khan spoke extemporaneously.
Then Trump continued to claim he has a made a “lot of sacrifices” by creating jobs.
The same issue of Dabiq apparently took a jab at Hillary Clinton while saying nothing about Trump. The magazine rails about the “extinction” of Western women because of the West’s war on human nature, which dictates that “woman does not imitate man.” 
"For this reason, when the daughter of a Persian king became ruler of Persia, the Prophet said, 'A people who give their authority to a woman will never prosper,’” it said. 

"The Most Disturbing Train Ride Of My Life Changed My Perspective On Black Lives Matter"

Alan: "All Lives Matter" is a dog whistle to united white people around the ongoing oppression of black people with zero intention to do anything that actually advances the supposed cause of "All Lives Matter."

"Dog Whistle Politics": Coded Language And The Rise Of Racially Scornful Political Rhetoric

Dirty Trickster Lee Atwater: The GOP SOB At The Heart Of Republican Barbarism (Hidden Mic)


This week I had one of the most disturbing train rides of my life – and it changed my perspective on Black Lives Matter

I tune into the conversation around me and hear the kids. Let me emphasize KIDS. Kids making a game plan for what they will do if the police start to shoot them – because they are black 
Something entirely disturbing happened last night on my commute to rehearsal. It is a long tale. But one that is necessary to read and digest. 
I was sitting in the corner of the Red Line T closest to the conductor when a group of about eight black kids from the ages of 12-16 entered. 
I automatically noticed their presence because of how absolutely loud and rowdy they were being. Smiling to myself, because of how crazy they were all acting, I turned up the music in my headphones and bounced along with the train. 

I noticed the boy sitting across from me. He entered the train with the other kids, and although also black and about their age, he clearly did not know them. From his body language it was obvious he had desperately wished he sat in another section.
I automatically zone out and think about what I was doing from when I was 12-16. I think about breaking into my old elementary school and stealing ice cream. I think about joyriding my boyfriend’s lifted, bright green, Chevy blazer without a permit or a license. I think about getting caught drinking in a friend’s backyard. I think about trespassing on private property and swimming. I think about getting pulled over twice in the same month, on the same road, in the same place, by the same officer, in the same car, for the same reason, and waltzing away from the scene with nothing. And I mean nothing, but “a get home safe.”
I think about every single actually illegal thing I have ever done and realised one harrowing fact:
I have never been touched by a police officer, or been handcuffed or been to jail. I have never even gotten a ticket. I have never left an interaction with the cops with anything other than a “have a nice night.” 
I wake up from my reverie and we are still parked at South Station. I tune into the conversation around me and hear the kids. Let me emphasize KIDS. Kids making a game plan for what they will do if the police start to shoot them.
I glance up at the boy across from me. He is squirming. He wants off bad. He is texting fiercely. I’m assuming he’s telling someone what we are both observing. 
The girl next to me notices my presence and says “Sorry for messing up your ride.” 
I say “Don’t worry about it.”
My voice catches on the last word. My throat starts to sear. She asks “Are you upset?”
I respond “Yeah, I guess I am. I just don’t understand why they are calling the cops.”
She says “Because we are black.”
The 12-year-old turns to the group and quietly says “Black lives matter.” They all murmur in agreement. 
The police arrive and everyone remains very calm. Eerily calm. Everyone is walking on eggshells. The cops step on the train and tell the kids if they get off quietly they can get on the next one and go home. The kids accept the offer and begin to clamour off. At long last the boy across from me and I are left alone. 
As I begin to put my headphones back on the police re-enter the car. They look at the boy and say,
“We said everyone in the group has to get off.”
The boy says “I don’t know them.” 
The police say “It’s an order. Everyone in the group has to get off.”
I collect my bags. The police looks at me and says “Not you. You’re not in the group.” 
The police places his hand on the boys shoulder and guides him off the train. In a moment of temporary rage blindness I stand up and scream, “He doesn’t f***ing know those kids.” 
The police looks at me and says “Is that true?”
To which I say “Yes, and it was true when he said it too.” 
The police release the boy and he sits down across from me again. We share a moment of blankness and then tears well in both of our eyes. He waves me over to the seat next to him. He says “That was because I am black. Wasn’t it?”
I nod. He looks down sheepishly at his shirt and says quietly “I’m just happy they didn’t hurt me. That would kill my mom. And she is not someone you want to mess with.” 
I say the only thing I can think: “I’m so sorry.” 
He says “With all that’s going on in the world I am so scared all the time.” 
We sit in silence for a moment and I decide to change the subject. I ask him about himself. He tells me he is entering his junior year of high school and spending the summer working for an organisation that aims to help people learn how to have healthy relationships. He says he wants to help stop domestic abuse. He tells me he is passionate about gender equality. He asks me if I know there is a difference between sex and gender. He says he wants to educate the public on that topic.
The train rattles into my station and I shake his hand. He says “Thanks.” 
I mumble “Don’t mention it.” 
I exit the train and watch it pull away. And then I weep. I weep in a way I never have before. My breath shortens and I begin to crumble.
I weep for Trayvon Martin.
I weep for Mike Brown.
I weep for Sandra Bland.
I weep for Alton Sterling.
I weep for Eric Garner. 
I weep for all of the names I do not know but should. 
I weep for their families. 
I weep for their friends. 
I weep for the innocent blood shed all over this country. 
I weep for that boy. 
I weep that I cannot remember his name because it is not as familiar to me as James or Tim or Dave. 
I weep for those kids. I weep for all of those kids. 
I spend the night replaying the whole scenario over and over again in my head. And realise that three words keep running through my mind. Three words that until I heard a 12-year-old black girl say aloud to her friends as they awaited the police I did not understand. Three words that are so little but mean so much.
Black Lives Matter.
I stop crying. I become resolute. I make a pact with myself to help the world become better for those kids. I make a pact with myself to spread this story like wildfire. I make a pact with myself to be an ally to that beautiful boy. It starts here. 
Before you read on make a pact with yourself to join me. 
Before you read on commit yourself to this cause. 
Before you read on openly admit that racism is alive and thriving in America. 
Before you read on promise yourself you will say the following three words ALOUD:
Black Lives Matter.
Didn’t do it? Here’s another chance:
Black Lives Matter.
Still can’t say it? Ask yourself why?
Black Lives Matter
Here’s another chance:
Black Lives Matter.
Here’s another chance:
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter.