
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wonkbook Visits Rochester, New York. Reports On Climate Volatility

Upstate New York is getting particularly polar. (Wonkbook was in Rochester, NY last week and can confirm personally.) "As much of the country shivered under brutally cold temperatures from the so-called polar vortex on Tuesday, upstate New York is bracing for another form of winter havoc. In the Tug Hill Plateau, a region north of Syracuse, N.Y., that borders Lake Ontario, residents were preparing for biting winds and the possibility of 80 inches of snow byWednesday afternoon...This year, the town has already recorded 211 inches of snow since Thanksgiving and will likely hit the 20-foot mark by the end of the week. Over the past day alone, certain parts of the town have received 8 to 12 inches of snow while others are counting up to 3 feet." Megan Buerger in The Wall Street Journal.

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