A real and sincere apology focuses on the real victims of an event by recognizing what they've suffered, not on delivering a self-serving diatribe on how they, themselves, have been affected.  
Chris Christie didn't apologize because what he was really doing was political damage control by trying to make the case that his loyal staff went completely rogue and just did this for some unknown reason.  If anyone believes that, then why didn't Christie talk to his deputy chief of staff about that "time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" memo before issuing her a pink slip by remote?  I would have asked what possessed her to send something like that out, wouldn't you?  But, no, Christie just fired her.
Maybe he's got a crystal ball that told him why the memo got sent and the automatic "got it" response was the reply.  Or maybe his staff was just carrying out orders or a plan made previously and the best thing that can be done is just to make these folks disappear or say nothing so the web doesn't untangle.
Frankly, I'm enjoying watching Christie flail around after 4 months of denials, bullying, and sarcasm.  And seeing this slow motion train wreck is even more delicious because he's too arrogant to even deliver a decent apology that recognizes the pain and suffering that was caused to the real victims.
He's not the victim.  
Alan: Christie is a neo-mafioso who surrounds himself with bureaucratic thugs.